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MichaeLLLLLLLLL "0-9" ‘Bike’ Hart (douchebag)

BuckeyeNation27;959858; said:
OK then, I'll amend.

Voter: Let's look at this ballot....I didn't even realize CFB was almost over. Let's see, let's see......Mike Hart, Michigan. Didn't Michigan lose to a 1-AA team?
*Google Search*
Yep, they did. There's no way this kid is good enough to win the Heisman if his team lost to a 1-AA school and to Ohio State again. NEXT!

Haha you're probably right. But I'm hoping it goes something like this...

Let's look at the ballot. Let's see, Mike Hart, running back from Michigan. What's that you say? They lost to a 1-AA team? At home? He sucks, never mind. Hold the phone! What's that you say? 337 yards and 4 TD against Ohio State, a Biakabatuka-like performance? Heisman it is! :wink:

**Disclaimer** Don't flame me because I made a joke about Hart getting 337 and 4 against probably the best defense in the country. It was a joke, I do not actually think Mike will get 337 yards. He'll probably get 437! Just kidding.
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If we took Hart's career numbers and just changed his uniform from piss and blue to scarlet and gray, he would rank only behind Griffen in terms of career yardage (has shot to pass him) and behind only Johnson, Byars and George in career touchdowns (will probably pass them all before he's done), yet would be 0-6 against Michigan and in bowls combined.

If that scenario existed, where would we be placing Hart on OSU's all time running backs list? Third behind Eddie and Archie? Assuming he would win the Heisman this year, would he be second? Just something to consider.
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If the man wins the Heisman it probably means tsun won on 11/17/07

So I hope he finishes third on the ballot:biggrin:

Besides he has been an open mouth insert foot kinda idiot in the media the past few years. Esp. after saying tsun was still the better team minutes after losing to tOSU last year 42-39.

He's definitely a whiny Vloyd product:cry: and doesn't keep his big mouth shut long enough to think before he speaks.

I hope he can be humble and take the ass whipping that's coming to him on the 17th.:oh:
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holybuckeye33;960282; said:
If we took Hart's career numbers and just changed his uniform from piss and blue to scarlet and gray, he would rank only behind Griffen in terms of career yardage (has shot to pass him) and behind only Johnson, Byars and George in career touchdowns (will probably pass them all before he's done), yet would be 0-6 against Michigan and in bowls combined.

If that scenario existed, where would we be placing Hart on OSU's all time running backs list? Third behind Eddie and Archie? Assuming he would win the Heisman this year, would he be second? Just something to consider.

Considering that Cooper's worst statistic was his failures against TSUN, I'm willing to bet that the hypothetical you raise above would leave an undesired taste in the mouth of most Buckeye fans.
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muffler dragon;960354; said:
Considering that Cooper's worst statistic was his failures against TSUN, I'm willing to bet that the hypothetical you raise above would leave an undesired taste in the mouth of most Buckeye fans.

I also think, considering Tressel's coaching style and the fact that we had such talents as Ginn, Gonzalez, and Smith, if Hart were a Buckeye he wouldn't have near the production he's getting at TSUN. Simply put, the offense would have had more talent around it and there would be less reason for a single player to carry the team.

They are starting to get firing now, but through their first few games Hart was carrying tsun, take him out of the offense and they are probably looking at 1-2 more losses.
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OCBucksFan;960376; said:
I also think, considering Tressel's coaching style and the fact that we had such talents as Ginn, Gonzalez, and Smith, if Hart were a Buckeye he wouldn't have near the production he's getting at TSUN. Simply put, the offense would have had more talent around it and there would be less reason for a single player to carry the team.

Very good point.

OC said:
They are starting to get firing now, but through their first few games Hart was carrying tsun, take him out of the offense and they are probably looking at 1-2 more losses.

I really wonder if he's going to have enough in the tank to last the entire year. I do agree though about the former possibility of more losses.
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Buckeneye;960452; said:
Yeah, I see ESPN interviewing Long saying there's no reason he shouldnt play. Carr seems apprehensive about it. Wonder how long their workhorse can keep carrying them and remain healthy before The game.

Keeping in mind they have @Illinois, Minny, @MSU and @Wisky all ahead of them before The Game. He's been nicked up now, it won't magically heal with 5 weeks to go. If he does play tsun has to run him 30+ to win. That ankle will become more of an issue as the real physical part of their schedule arrives.

I know I keep saying this over and over andI really don't wish an injury on the kid. I keep saying it because I just don't see any way around it. He's not built for what tsun is asking of him this year.
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Jaxbuck;960466; said:
Keeping in mind they have @Illinois, Minny, @MSU and @Wisky all ahead of them before The Game. He's been nicked up now, it won't magically heal with 5 weeks to go. If he does play tsun has to run him 30+ to win. That ankle will become more of an issue as the real physical part of their schedule arrives.

I know I keep saying this over and over andI really don't wish an injury on the kid. I keep saying it because I just don't see any way around it. He's not built for what tsun is asking of him this year.

Building on this, someone tell me they've seen a more agressive, harder-hitting defense than Ohio State this year.
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Jaxbuck;960466; said:
I know I keep saying this over and over andI really don't wish an injury on the kid. I keep saying it because I just don't see any way around it. He's not built for what tsun is asking of him this year.
Some games have been unnecessary struggles, forcing the absurd workloads. Others times they just seemed hellbent on driving Hart to the cart for no reason. Henne was having his way with Purdue, no need for hart to be on pace for 42 carries. And surprise, he gets hurt on the 21st.
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