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MichaeLLLLLLLLL "0-9" ‘Bike’ Hart (douchebag)

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;959116; said:
Hart being compared to LaDanien? Please, for the love of all that is holy, tell me that was in jest.

Yes, even as a huge Hart fan, I gotta question that. LaDainian is the best player in the NFL at any position ( I said it, shoot me), Hart isn't at his level.
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Quotable: Lloyd Carr

Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:46 AM

"How much swelling and how he feels in these next couple of days will really be the determining factor on what it looks like in terms of him coming back. He's a tough guy, a quick healer."
-- Lloyd Carr, Michigan coach, after initially bristling at queries about the apparent ankle injury that sidelined Mike Hart for the second half against Purdue.
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Taosman;959153; said:
In, what looks like a wide open, maybe down Heisman race year, Hart looks like a shoe in.
2 things are working against Hart...
  1. Appalachian State
  2. Injury prone
Otherwise I'd agree with you. I think if he has a great end to the season, while staying healthy, he'll at the very least be invited to New York.
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bkochmc;959777; said:
2 things are working against Hart...
  1. Appalachian State
  2. Injury prone
Otherwise I'd agree with you. I think if he has a great end to the season, while staying healthy, he'll at the very least be invited to New York.

Appalachian State is becoming less and less of a factor as other contenders lose more and more games or put up crappier performances (DeSean Jackson 4 catches for 5!!!!!!! yards are you kidding me?) Granted, other teams are losing to 1-A teams, but Hart still had almost 200 yards against ASU and 3 TD, so it wasn't exactly his fault, plus he had that huge 54 yard TD run in that game where he weaved in and out.

I'm more concerned about part 2. Lloyd Carr, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GIVE HIM 21 CARRIES IN ONE HALF AGAINST PURDON'T???????? Poor kid's being run into the ground. If he keeps up his pace, leads the country in rushing, and hopefully puts up a monster game against the Buckeyes and pulls off the upset, I'd be hard-pressed to find a more worthy candidate, Michigan homerism aside. Would any of you agree?
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SNIPER26;959794; said:
I'm more concerned about part 2. Lloyd Carr, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GIVE HIM 21 CARRIES IN ONE HALF AGAINST PURDON'T???????? Poor kid's being run into the ground. If he keeps up his pace, leads the country in rushing, and hopefully puts up a monster game against the Buckeyes and pulls off the upset, I'd be hard-pressed to find a more worthy candidate, Michigan homerism aside. Would any of you agree?
As long as he's not returning punts against us, I'm fine with our defenses chances of denying him a Heisman. :tongue2:
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Appalachian State is becoming less and less of a factor as other contenders lose more and more games or put up crappier performances (DeSean Jackson 4 catches for 5!!!!!!! yards are you kidding me?) Granted, other teams are losing to 1-A teams, but Hart still had almost 200 yards against ASU and 3 TD, so it wasn't exactly his fault, plus he had that huge 54 yard TD run in that game where he weaved in and out.

I'm more concerned about part 2. Lloyd Carr, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GIVE HIM 21 CARRIES IN ONE HALF AGAINST PURDON'T???????? Poor kid's being run into the ground. If he keeps up his pace, leads the country in rushing, and hopefully puts up a monster game against the Buckeyes and pulls off the upset, I'd be hard-pressed to find a more worthy candidate, Michigan homerism aside. Would any of you agree?
You fail to realize how these things are given out. Let me fill you in on how somebody loses the Heisman.

Voter: Let's look at this ballot....I didn't even realize CFB was almost over. Let's see, let's see......Mike Hart, Michigan. Didn't Michigan lose to a 1-AA team?
*Google Search*
Yep, they did. There's no way this kid is good enough to win the Heisman if his team lost to a 1-AA school. NEXT!
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BuckeyeNation27;959854; said:
You fail to realize how these things are given out. Let me fill you in on how somebody loses the Heisman.

Voter: Let's look at this ballot....I didn't even realize CFB was almost over. Let's see, let's see......Mike Hart, Michigan. Didn't Michigan lose to a 1-AA team?
*Google Search*
Yep, they did. There's no way this kid is good enough to win the Heisman if his team lost to a 1-AA school. NEXT!

In a normal year yes, in a year where there is no front-runner, not so much.
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OK then, I'll amend.

Voter: Let's look at this ballot....I didn't even realize CFB was almost over. Let's see, let's see......Mike Hart, Michigan. Didn't Michigan lose to a 1-AA team?
*Google Search*
Yep, they did. There's no way this kid is good enough to win the Heisman if his team lost to a 1-AA school and to Ohio State again. NEXT!
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BuckeyeNation27;959858; said:
OK then, I'll amend.

Voter: Let's look at this ballot....I didn't even realize CFB was almost over. Let's see, let's see......Mike Hart, Michigan. Didn't Michigan lose to a 1-AA team?
*Google Search*
Yep, they did. There's no way this kid is good enough to win the Heisman if his team lost to a 1-AA school and to Ohio State again. NEXT!

Maybe, but I'd argue his stats are the best and most consistent to this point.
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BuckeyeNation27;959854; said:
You fail to realize how these things are given out. Let me fill you in on how somebody loses the Heisman.

Voter: Let's look at this ballot....I didn't even realize CFB was almost over. Let's see, let's see......Mike Hart, Michigan. Didn't Michigan lose to a 1-AA team?
*Google Search*
Yep, they did. There's no way this kid is good enough to win the Heisman if his team lost to a 1-AA school. NEXT!

It kinda sucks that the Heisman is supposed to be for the most outstanding player, and yet its typically given to the flashiest player on the best team. Just going by remembery, the past 150 Heisman winners played on undefeated teams (at the time they were awarded).

2006 - Troy Smith played for Ohio State, and beat out Brady Quinn and Darren McFadden. Ohio State was 12-0. Notre Dame I believe was 10-2. Arkansas was 10-3.

2005 - Reggie Bush's USC was 12-0 or 11-0. He beat out Matt Leinart (also with USC) and Vince Young. Texas was 12-0.

2004 - Matt Leinart (USC) was 12-0 or 11-0. He beat Reggie Bush (USC), Alex Smith (Utah was 11-0, I believe), Jason White (Oklahoma was 12-0), and Adrian Peterson (Oklahoma)

In three seasons, there were a total of 11 players invited to the ceremony (counting a few players twice). There were a total of 5 losses for those 11 players in those three years, and a minimum of 121 wins.

That's the age we live in. The popular team is the team that's winning. The popular players are on the teams that are winning.
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SNIPER26;959132; said:
Yes, even as a huge Hart fan, I gotta question that. LaDainian is the best player in the NFL at any position ( I said it, shoot me), Hart isn't at his level.

Err, I think I came across wrong here.

Tomlinson isn't a very big guy, but he does what he needs to to win. His strong points are his vision, his ability to stay behind his fullback and he's dangerous when he's out in the open.

In the NFL Hart wont make it as a power back, he's a small guy and lines will man-handle him, so he's going to have to work in a similiar style to LT. Follow the fullback and take what's given to him. If he does that, he should do well, however, if he trys to be the next great thing he's going to hit a wall hard.

Then again, who really knows, if you would have told me during his college years that Brady was going to win 3+ Superbowls I would have laughed in your face.
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SNIPER26;959794; said:
Appalachian State is becoming less and less of a factor as other contenders lose more and more games or put up crappier performances (DeSean Jackson 4 catches for 5!!!!!!! yards are you kidding me?) Granted, other teams are losing to 1-A teams, but Hart still had almost 200 yards against ASU and 3 TD, so it wasn't exactly his fault, plus he had that huge 54 yard TD run in that game where he weaved in and out.
While I am well-aware that Hart single-handedly kept Michigan in that game Zurp's post is why he most likely will not bring home the hardware:

Zurp;959868; said:
It kinda sucks that the Heisman is supposed to be for the most outstanding player, and yet its typically given to the flashiest player on the best team. Just going by remembery, the past 150 Heisman winners played on undefeated teams (at the time they were awarded).

SNIPER26;959794; said:
I'm more concerned about part 2. Lloyd Carr, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GIVE HIM 21 CARRIES IN ONE HALF AGAINST PURDON'T???????? Poor kid's being run into the ground. If he keeps up his pace, leads the country in rushing, and hopefully puts up a monster game against the Buckeyes and pulls off the upset, I'd be hard-pressed to find a more worthy candidate, Michigan homerism aside. Would any of you agree?
I do agree with you... no one else has been as consistent as Hart... when he is healthy. As much as it pains me to say it if he doesn't at least get an invite to New York (assuming he finishes the rest of the season with the same productivity) this year's ceremony will be a travesty.
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