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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

BlufftonBuckeye;1764871; said:
You quite literally made it incredibly clear that you have the IQ of a turtle. Moron.

Is this a shot at the Maryland Terrapins?

Bucks win this game easily. Too dominant in the trenches. Harris is a fine player but he's going to be running for his life. Bucks offense will sustain drives and keep the defense rested. Only thing that can change this outcome is if we have a special teams disaster. Short kickoffs last week against Marshall concern me against an athletic team like Miami. If we do a good job in kick coverage, I think people will be heading for the exits midway through the 4th quarter.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1765289; said:
Read the comments below where the author admits he's never actually been to the shoe and bases his "opinion" on things he's heard from people he knows and watching TV.

Woody1968;1765290; said:
The writer admits he has never been to Ohio Stadium, and has based this on television.

Thus, his article is indeed: "Awful writing. Uninformed. Stupid."
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Diego-Bucks;1765317; said:
Not sure, are you defending him for the opinion piece because he admits his ignorance? I don't think it changes the fact that its ignorant.
I think Woody, like me, was pointing out how truly absurd that dude's opinion is.

I've never been to Miami, but I've seen CSI Miami and thus I know all Miami redheads are named Horatio.
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I think Woody, like me, was pointing out how truly absurd that dude's opinion is.

I've never been to Miami, but I've seen CSI Miami and thus I know all Miami redheads are named Horatio.
Gotcha. Just wasn't quite sure if your points were reinforcing my 'Stupid' comment or pointing out absurdity. It just shocked me that the dude is a journalist! Completely unprofessional.
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pzimph21;1765378; said:
I'm really excited for saturday, whats your predictions!:oh:

My prediction?

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