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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

CHU;1765525; said:
Did Mark May really pick Miami to win?

If Ohio State played Dublin Coffman, would May really pick Coffman?

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This is a good thing that I swore off of ESPN for anything other than games or PTI.

My gosh, all Mark May needs now is some tights and Mr. Fuji to walk him to the ring. He's playing a character already on TV, might as well go the full WWE root.
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JBaney45;1765531; said:
It's not just his pick of Miami, it's the fact that he actually cited their speed as his reason.

Doc Holliday (Marshall HC) stated in an interview with Bruce Feldman on ESPN that the Ohio State defense is as fast, if not faster, than Florida's '06 national title defense (Holliday was a coach for Florida then).
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Defensive tackle Jeremy Lewis and three other Miami players were ruled out for the season because of injuries on Thursday.
Lewis hurt his lower right leg early in No. 12 Miami's season-opening 45-0 win over Florida A&M last week. The Hurricanes have also listed fullback John Calhoun, running back Darion Hall and linebacker Travis Williams as out for the year because of undisclosed surgeries.
Defensive lineman Luther Robinson and linebacker Kevin Nelson are listed as out for Saturday's game against No. 2 Ohio State. Running back Graig Cooper is listed as doubtful, although it's a virtual certainty he will also miss this weekend's matchup against the Buckeyes.
HMMM! Looks like a few key guys are going to be missing!:osu:
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BrutusBuckeyeAZ;1765585; said:

Defensive tackle Jeremy Lewis and three other Miami players were ruled out for the season because of injuries on Thursday.
Lewis hurt his lower right leg early in No. 12 Miami's season-opening 45-0 win over Florida A&M last week. The Hurricanes have also listed fullback John Calhoun, running back Darion Hall and linebacker Travis Williams as out for the year because of undisclosed surgeries.
Defensive lineman Luther Robinson and linebacker Kevin Nelson are listed as out for Saturday's game against No. 2 Ohio State. Running back Graig Cooper is listed as doubtful, although it's a virtual certainty he will also miss this weekend's matchup against the Buckeyes.
HMMM! Looks like a few key guys are going to be missing!:osu:

That sucks. Wanted to beat them at full strength. Another excuse for the Long Islanders.
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I liked the interviews with Tressel over the last few days, very classy as always -Applause to Tressel-

But I look to see something like 24 - 10 into halftime, and then I think it's going to get bloody.

After this 'tough' game, Tressel and tOSU will be breathing down the National Championship Games' throat.
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