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BengalsAndBucks;1010606; said:
This thread wasn't started about Sean Taylor. I agree with the fact that Sean Taylor went to Da U had very little with him getting murdered, and that it was a senseless and tragic act.

The thread was started and is all about the fact that Miami always has been a school that will allow anyone to play football for them, regardless of the fact that they are nothing more than glorified criminals. See Willie Williams, or more recently the FIU incident last year.

Point well taken - and I'm aware this is an OSU website which is not responsible for defending Miami of FL. Hell, I couldn't give two shits for Miami. You'll have to admit, B&B, that people love to generalize certain sports and certain teams with the title "thug," and, in this case of Taylor, I think it has gone too far... perhaps this rant would be better placed on (an)other thread(s). If that's the case, my apologies. I just hate to see a senseless murder be reduced to generalizations and stereotypes - especially when gold chains and dormroom rap songs made by 18 year-olds couldn't matter less.

Edit: probably should have made this statement here: http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/...-sean-taylor-sports-behavior.html#post1010612
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[quote='BusNative;101060;9]Point well taken - and I'm aware this is an OSU website which is not responsible for defending Miami of FL. Hell, I couldn't give two shits for Miami. You'll have to admit, B&B, that people love to generalize certain sports and certain teams with the title "thug," and, in this case of Taylor, I think it has gone too far... perhaps this rant would be better placed on (an)other thread(s). If that's the case, my apologies. I just hate to see a senseless murder be reduced to generalizations and stereotypes - especially when gold chains and dormroom rap songs made by 18 year-olds couldn't matter less.[/quote]

I agree absolutely with you about Taylor, but I feel like the recent comments in the thread have been aimed much more at Shannon's comments than the recent death of Taylor.

People do like to generalize the term thug, but I personally believe that, due to an incredible amount of hard work, Da U has earned it. I would absolutely love to see them clean up their act, but it doesn't look to be happening anytime soon.
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BGriffBuckeye;1010293; said:
Thought this was teh PERFECT place for this...

From a Miami Herald interview, which touches on the impact of Taylor's death on recruiting:

Q: Obviously, though, there are kids that live off campus. What do you tell parents about that?
A: We show them the neighborhoods. Everybody else in the country lives off campus and they still have the same problems. But their newspaper don?t beat them up about it. Like our newspaper beats us up about it. I know you guys are doing your job, you got to beat us up about it. But then understand we just want a fair shot. At Ohio State, do you realize you had more things happen at Ohio State more than anything. You think we?ve been bad? Go check out Ohio State, guys who have been arrested, bar fights. Look at everything at Ohio State and you?d think the University of Miami was angels. Florida, the same. There?s going to be two guys let back on that team because of a gun charges and one who unloaded it in a club. What would happen if I do that?

I can no longer find this quote inside the linked interview, and I read both parts. Perhaps they removed that question/answer after the foolishness of Shannon's comments were pointed out?
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BB73;1010885; said:
I can no longer find this quote inside the linked interview, and I read both parts. Perhaps they removed that question/answer after the foolishness of Shannon's comments were pointed out?

Could be - there was also a statement Shannon made about the death of a a fellow at UF -which was an outright lie. That has also been removed.

I think they got clipped by someone with more clout than mere bloggers / commenters.

But, are these statements still present in the Audio Interview?
To hear the audio interview, follow the link on our UM homepage to Audio.
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BB73;1010885; said:
I can no longer find this quote inside the linked interview, and I read both parts. Perhaps they removed that question/answer after the foolishness of Shannon's comments were pointed out?
I believe they did edit it out. I was on the Florida boards to see their reaction and it is much the same as it is over here. There apparently was a quote in there as well about a friend of Shannon's that he says went to UF and was shot and killed there, yet he ACTUALLY died because of an illness while he was in MIAMI. Anyways, check this thread over there... they also discuss the previous quote that I linked but was later editted out of the newspaper article...

To be honest, I never really read the entire article, but I CAN NOT believe how he went after Virginia Tech like that. Randy Shannon is maybe the best representative of the University than anybody else. He is pure scum.
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Miami HC Randy Shannon takes shots at OSU, UF


It's an interview from the Miami Herald from yesterday. These two quote have already been deleted by today, but luckily some posters on Gatorcountry saved them.

1)As I understand it, OSU has only had 1 minor arrest in the past 2 years. More things happening at OSU than anything? What a load of crap.

2)His "best friend" Walter Odom died 5 years ago of a long illness. Shot and killed in Gainesville 15 years ago? That's just repulsive.

I think it's completely inexcusable for a head coach to slander other programs in an effort to try to deflect criticism from his own program. It's also just absolutely inexcusable for him to lie about his "best friend"'s death for recruiting purposes.
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The lack of any kind of public outcry over this garbage is astounding. He's boldface lying and slandering(libel?) UF, OSU, ASU, VT and others. What a piece of shit.

I wish ESPiN would give this as much attention as they gave Tressel's coaches poll vote last year.
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Here is their explination for the "update"

UPDATE: I realize some of our readers have sent emails regarding a portion of this interview that was deleted this morning by my editors. Personally, I do not practice the habit of going back and taking back anything that was said in a Q&A. But coach Shannon's comments about former Florida Gator Walter Odom being shot and killed on campus at the University of Florida were incorrect. He also made several comments about crime at other schools, including Ohio State. Since, he was generalizing and not necessarily being accurate with his quote, The Herald has decided to take that portion of the interview down too. We pride ourselves on being an accurate and reliable source for news and insight. And we're not going to publish false or unsubstantiated statements. We apologize for not making the necessary changes sooner. There will be a correction.

Like everything else in that hell hole, pure trash.
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dingyibvs;1011006; said:

It's an interview from the Miami Herald from yesterday. These two quote have already been deleted by today, but luckily some posters on Gatorcountry saved them.

1)As I understand it, OSU has only had 1 minor arrest in the past 2 years. More things happening at OSU than anything? What a load of crap.

2)His "best friend" Walter Odom died 5 years ago of a long illness. Shot and killed in Gainesville 15 years ago? That's just repulsive.

I think it's completely inexcusable for a head coach to slander other programs in an effort to try to deflect criticism from his own program. It's also just absolutely inexcusable for him to lie about his "best friend"'s death for recruiting purposes.

That really ought to be preserved somewhere that doesn't dump content at a whim, or based on overusing bandwidth.

Like say, BP.

Beause you never know when you might just need proof that Shannon going Cap'n Queeg was really easy to predict.


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