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So one question I have is...does Florida High School football have anything to do with fostering this culture? I imagine that in Ohio, such behavior would not be tolerated, by schools or by the OHSAA, but if it is more lax in Florida, maybe the culture of brawls and thuggery goes back to the HS coaches and the HS system in general...I honestly have no idea, so I'm really just throwing it out there, but given the history of Miami and Free Shoes, and Coker's comments about the FIU players "wishing they were at Miami" I wouldn't be all that surprised, necessarily.
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LordJeffBuck;637730; said:
1. Twenty-five years of thuggery justifies Miami's reputation as thugs - most of the 'Canes fans admit to being thugs and enjoy that reputation.

2. You protect your team by trying to break up a fight, not by turning a brawl into a riot.

3. Ohio State is a family ... Miami is a posse.

And I seriously question why we have a future game scheduled down there.
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Bucklion;638296; said:
So one question I have is...does Florida High School football have anything to do with fostering this culture? I imagine that in Ohio, such behavior would not be tolerated, by schools or by the OHSAA, but if it is more lax in Florida, maybe the culture of brawls and thuggery goes back to the HS coaches and the HS system in general...I honestly have no idea, so I'm really just throwing it out there, but given the history of Miami and Free Shoes, and Coker's comments about the FIU players "wishing they were at Miami" I wouldn't be all that surprised, necessarily.

Having played high school football in Florida, I can say I never saw any of this. But that was over 16 years ago. Its a little different today I'm sure. But from my experience, I never witnessed anything like this.

I played in Volusia County. Daytona Beach. The atmosphere overall in Daytona is very different than it is in other Florida cities. While Tampa, Miami, Orlando and Tallahassee are typical Florida cities, Daytona has the redneck element (NASCAR), Rich caucasian college crowd (Spring Break), Historically Black college crowd (B-CC and the BCR), and the beach bum crowd.

My buddy moved to Fort Lauderdale when we were seniors. He said Lauderdale is worlds apart from Daytona Beach. He said the gang element was much stronger in south Florida than it was in central Florida. So there may be somethign to your thoughts on this. While I don't believe that high school coaches in Dade county would endorse this behavior, I believe the thug culture is very strong down there.
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stthegreat04;638141; said:
and there has only been 2 fights in 7 games... i know that doesn't make it any better but please stop watching espn and thinking that you have your facts right.

So now you want to argue semantics? That pre-game thing with UL didn't degenerate into an all out brawl so its not a negative event? I don't need ESPN to tell me stompnig a teams logo is a thug act and thats the whole point of the conversation. Miami is a thug program. The fact they got the shit kicked out of them ON THE FIELD after such a punk move makes me think less of Miami, and its thug fans, than you can imagine.

Save your condescending attitude and attempts to try and spin this fiasco into anything less than it is for the morons at grassy.
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Bucklion;638296; said:
So one question I have is...does Florida High School football have anything to do with fostering this culture? I imagine that in Ohio, such behavior would not be tolerated, by schools or by the OHSAA, but if it is more lax in Florida, maybe the culture of brawls and thuggery goes back to the HS coaches and the HS system in general...I honestly have no idea, so I'm really just throwing it out there, but given the history of Miami and Free Shoes, and Coker's comments about the FIU players "wishing they were at Miami" I wouldn't be all that surprised, necessarily.

no it has to be a person by person thing... My high school coach(which happens to be Mo Wells high school coach) coach Gies wouldn't play that shit... im not trying to defend 2 out of 7 fights... like i said i dont think that fighting on the football field is right.... especially the LSU fight... all i want is some of you to get your fact right if your going to try and make claims... us as miami fans... we dont clown on you guys for Maurice Clarret... its an unfortunate thing... but 18-19-20 year old guys make mistakes...
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VTech is starting to feel the effects also...


October 19, 2006

Nunn Back On The Market

By Phil Kornblut
Sumter OL Kyle Nunn (6-6 280), who committed to Virginia Tech July 27th, has decommitted and reopened his recruiting his coach Paul Sorrells said Thursday night. "He called them a couple of days ago and told them he has decommitted," Sorrells said. Nunn was recently offered by Georgia according to Sorrells. He also has offers from USC, North Carolina and NC State. He has been to several USC games this season and the Gamecocks would appear to now be the frontrunners for the Shrine Bowl selection.
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stthegreat04;638730; said:
but yet you guys are quick to say something about sean taylor and ray lewis right??? come on stop with the double standards...

There is a vast difference in clowning tOSU over one player and his imminent stupidity and the judging of the Miami program after 25 years of the same broken record, tired intimidation tactics.

There is zero comparison...

Clown tOSU all you want...obviously, we learn from mistakes.

Obviously, the Canes and their fans do not.
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stthegreat04;638730; said:
but yet you guys are quick to say something about sean taylor and ray lewis right??? come on stop with the double standards...

Last time I checked they both enjoyed alumni status when they tried to murder people. They played their full time at Thug U, promote Thug U every chance they get and are recognized and embraced as alumni of Thug U.

In your wildest fit of spin doctoring can you honestly say any of those things about MoC? No. He was disowned as soon as he brought disgrace on our school and program.
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he brought disgrace... if not for MoC there wouldn't be a national championship for yall and you guys know that... im not making anything up... please explain to me exactly what i am making up please...
Well if you can point out the last time I was quick to "clown" on miami for Ray Lewis or Sean Taylor.....

Clarret helped us win a NC, then he got in trouble, then he got kicked off the team. It wasn't a retroactive process. Once he started being a jackass off the football team, he was of no concern to me.
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