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stthegreat04;637936; said:
your right there was no brawl... there also wasn't a Iowa fan scooping up your teammate and driving him into the ground either... how many times do i have to say that i am not saying that it was the right thing to do... most Miami fans dont say that we are thugs because i for one am not a thug... the team is not full of thugs just because a brawl happens... and have you ever played football... there is alot that you can do to someone who they are still fully padded...

3 fights in the last 7 games. 25 year history of the same type of shit.

Quit trying to spin it, it isn't going to work. This is a career achievment award for Thug U not a single incident although the single incident is almost enough to get the label imo.

What fans of the U need to come to grips with is the way this type of garbage narrows the recruiting base. Only parents who have no control or no concern will send kids to a program like that and then it becomes a self fufilling prophecy.

You can easily project that out to essentially what you have now. 85 hardcore, gang-banging, thugs disguised as a college football team constantly in trouble and unable to win anything important due to the lack of discipline and poor coaching.

If Miami wants to be anything but the Jerry Springer show of CFB they better get a new coach in time to salvage what he can of recruiting this year and he better be one hell of a salesman.
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I will agree that an isolated incident of a single brawl does not justify what is raining down on Miami. However, IMO what makes Miami fair game in this instance is:

1. The level of violence. Football is a violent sport and this wasn't the two bands going at one another. But this was a viscious exhibition. People were trying to hurt people.

2. Miami's long history of such incidents.

3. The reaction of Miami fans (I would almost call it the consensus on Miami boards) suporting the brawl and in general spewing the same kind of garbage we heard from the now fired broadcaster.

4. That sometimes example have to be made. It ain't about being fair. The NCAA needs to send a message and I haven't seen it yet.

It is not unlikely that this incident will serve as a positive for Miami this season. They will likely beat Duke and perhaps come together as a team in face of the external attacks from the media. That they might in fact benefit is something I find quite distasteful. The NCAA needs to act to make sure we aren't watching replays of this brawl before a potential Miami bowl game in December.

I hear the argument that they were 'defending their family'. But that is vigiliantism and it can't be allowed to stand. Players need to sit on the bench or act to restrain. If we say it is OK to do otherwise we invite anarchy. Fair or not.
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It's almost amusing how many sheep like Dan Leba(s)tard and the rest of the Miami apologists come running when inexcusable things happen. Of course I guess he and the rest have forgotten about the LSU game last year too, and the...

Ah, the hell with it. Not even worth it...nor is Miami. They are now a medicore program of thugs and also-rans. They have to live with being marginalized, which for them is worse punishment than anything the NCAA can do.
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so miami has seasons of 10-2 9-3 9-3 and they are mediocre??? that just means its a down year... im glad that tOSU is having a great season but when they have down seasons i wouldn't call them mediocre... and they know its time for a new coach... but to fire someone midseason when you still owe him 2 millions dollars would be foolish... there is no spin to what i am saying... and there has only been 2 fights in 7 games... i know that doesn't make it any better but please stop watching espn and thinking that you have your facts right... there was no fight before the louisville game...
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it will be interesting to see whether miami's future opponents will attempt to instigate a fight, knowing that the team is now on a very short leash. i certainly don't think the punishments fit the crime; the punishments are far too lenient. though i don't think the scholarships should be rescinded for some of the miami players, i do think that they should sit out the rest of the season. considering that they've gotten away with murder (pun intended), perhaps another scuffle between miami and another program (vt anyone?) is the best thing that could happen. watching the youtube videos of the fan reactions, it is apparent that miami's problems extend well beyond the sidelines. another brawl would necessarily result in a moratorium. a major overhaul of the program (read players, coaches, administrators, and fans) must occur for miami to save face.

can miami save face? perhaps... but not anytime soon.
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stthegreat04;638141; said:
so miami has seasons of 10-2 9-3 9-3 and they are mediocre??? that just means its a down year... im glad that tOSU is having a great season but when they have down seasons i wouldn't call them mediocre... and they know its time for a new coach... but to fire someone midseason when you still owe him 2 millions dollars would be foolish... there is no spin to what i am saying... and there has only been 2 fights in 7 games... i know that doesn't make it any better but please stop watching espn and thinking that you have your facts right... there was no fight before the louisville game...

:slappy: :slappy: :slappy:

Well if that's the level of standard there is, there really isn't all that much to say.

And those records wouldn't be bad if this was Temple or Virginia or Boston College, but since Miami has considered themselves at the center of the football universe since 1983 (you know, when football started...except the "probation years" of course, those don't count) then yes, being 9-3 every year is mediocre. OSU fired Earle Bruce for being 9-3 every year.
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Saw this picture on EDSBS.

First of all, the FIU player swinging the crutch was "Ned." What a fucking name. "Ned." OK. I have to give him a pass. Anyone who is 5'6", named Ned, and hobbles into a grand melee of 6'6" 300-lb linemen swinging a crutch and behaving like Steven fucking Segal kicks ass.


Dude. Ned shouldn't be suspended. Ned needs to be promoted team captain!

Second (also by way of EDSBS), even Gino Torretta thinks Lamar Thomas is an "[expletive]."


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stthegreat04;637936; said:
your right there was no brawl... there also wasn't a Iowa fan scooping up your teammate and driving him into the ground either... how many times do i have to say that i am not saying that it was the right thing to do... most Miami fans dont say that we are thugs because i for one am not a thug... the team is not full of thugs just because a brawl happens... and have you ever played football... there is alot that you can do to someone who they are still fully padded...

This is what OSU had against Iowa.

"Ohio State center Doug Datish had his helmet knocked off and was punched in the face four times by Iowa defensive tackle Mitch King this season."

"Defensive end Jay Richardson said flanker Ted Ginn Jr. told him that after a punt return, opponents jumped on him and one tried to hit him in the ribs."

"Asked how he kept calm, Datish said, ``I've gotten personal fouls for retaliation and I know what it's like to come to the sideline and Coach Tressel says something to you, and then Coach (Jim) Bollman says something to you and you get a MA (missed assignment) on it and that's pretty detrimental to your grade,'' Datish said. ``I thought that in my head."
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me saying that there has only been 2 fights in 7 games isnt a spin its the truth... sorry man im not pathetic i dont think the punishment fit the crime as well... merriweather should sit out atleast 4 games but its not up to me to make the decision... it is poor coaching and im not trying to defend that but to say the whole team is a group of thugs is crazy... there are 85 players and only 13 got suspended... and that picture of ned is hilarious...
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