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On ESPN Reddick is apologizing,Saying "I'm sorry, that's not me. I take full responsiblilty and promise it will never happen again"
Well It is him or it wouldn't have happened to begin with. He can be sorry and he should be but leave out the BS, it's more believable that way.
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Shalala says the program is fine and this was an aberation, in spite of the fight at LSU last year. Is there any possibility she actually believes that load of crap or is she trying to spin the school out of trouble. Or because it would hurt her reputation?
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Best Buckeye;637350; said:
Shalala says the program is fine and this was an aberation, in spite of the fight at LSU last year. Is there any possibility she actually believes that load of crap or is she trying to spin the school out of trouble. Or because it would hurt her reputation?

Listening to Mike and Mike this morning and Shalala said she saw the fight from the field and didn't have to watch it on television.

She never watched the clip in slow mo to see what happened.

What can that bitch see, she's like 4 foot fucking 5!!!
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Thump;637356; said:
Listening to Mike and Mike this morning and Shalala said she saw the fight from the field and didn't have to watch it on television.

She never watched the clip in slow mo to see what happened.

What can that bitch see, she's like 4 foot fucking 5!!!

Was the last bit - about not watching in slow mo - uttered after they tried to contact her again?

Reason I ask is that during her on on-air bit, she said "we" had examined the film frame-by-frame. Though in her presser yesterday her claim was the once you cite, that she had not seen any part of the film, being "close" to the action (if not the ground).
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Shaking her fist for emphasis, Miami president Donna Shalala said sanctions levied against 13 players for their role in a sideline-clearing brawl were fair, justified and strong enough to satisfy the university.

I'm sure the boys are really scared now.......:roll2:
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its a weird funny situation that im in right now... For one... i am a relly big Miami fan... but i am also a tOSU fan as well... and while i think that reddick and merriweather were out of line i dont think that this justifies us as being thugs... go back and look at the video... our holder gets slammed to the ground them kicked in the head and then we go over there and protect him... the person who protects him gets hit... its all about protecting your team... if you believe that tOSU wouldn't have done the same thing you are crazy... because just as much as tOSU is a family... so is Miami... i think the things said by Lamar Thomas was out of line due to the fact of the position he is in... if he was just another fan in the crowd, then it would be completely different, but seeing that he was there to announce the game he was completely out of place...
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stthegreat04;637434; said:
its a weird funny situation that im in right now... For one... i am a relly big Miami fan... but i am also a tOSU fan as well... and while i think that reddick and merriweather were out of line i dont think that this justifies us as being thugs... go back and look at the video... our holder gets slammed to the ground them kicked in the head and then we go over there and protect him... the person who protects him gets hit... its all about protecting your team... if you believe that tOSU wouldn't have done the same thing you are crazy... because just as much as tOSU is a family... so is Miami... i think the things said by Lamar Thomas was out of line due to the fact of the position he is in... if he was just another fan in the crowd, then it would be completely different, but seeing that he was there to announce the game he was completely out of place...

Yes, OSU is a family in the brothers/uncles/fathers kinda way whereas da U seems to be a family in the Gambino kinda way.
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stthegreat04;637434; said:
its a weird funny situation that im in right now... For one... i am a relly big Miami fan... but i am also a tOSU fan as well... and while i think that reddick and merriweather were out of line i dont think that this justifies us as being thugs... go back and look at the video... our holder gets slammed to the ground them kicked in the head and then we go over there and protect him... the person who protects him gets hit... its all about protecting your team... if you believe that tOSU wouldn't have done the same thing you are crazy... because just as much as tOSU is a family... so is Miami... i think the things said by Lamar Thomas was out of line due to the fact of the position he is in... if he was just another fan in the crowd, then it would be completely different, but seeing that he was there to announce the game he was completely out of place...

I'd be willing to bet a large sum that you would never see a Jim Tressel coached team with players stomping on people on the ground and swinging helmets. Protecting your teammates is one thing, what happened Saturday was a brawl and a disgrace. The pie is not just on Miami's face, but FIU as well. Miami's punishments on the otherhand are a complete joke.
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NFBuck;637402; said:
Also, dude, midget is not the preferred nomenclature...little person please.

Greenies to the first to point out that reference.:biggrin:

Bad Santa. :biggrin:

Now that I've said that, somebody won't shit right for a week.
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