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FCollinsBuckeye;636060; said:
This occured to me as well, until I considered:


Not much of a statement. They might as well give themselves a one-year mandatory BCS game ban.
Bingo. Between the suspensions, the injuries, and the fact that Miami wasn't very good to begin with, they'll be lucky if they beat Duke by double-digits. After that game though, presuming they move to 5-2, they've got @GT, Va Tech, @Maryland, @Virginia, and BC.

Maryland and UVA are the wildcards, because they're not very good, but those are road games and Miami isn't very good either. I think 5 losses is a certainty, and Miami could lose as many as 7 games if the Terps or Cavs decide to show up.

If Miami actually loses to Duke this weekend, I think the best the Canes can hope for is 6-6.
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Some of Donna Shalala's comments - she borrowed time on Coker's weekly press conference.

"The buck stops here."

"We will have a zero tolerance policy".

"I will not throw students under the bus."

"It's time for the feeding frenzy to stop."

"We will act like an educational institution, not a PR spin machine."
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Bingo. Between the suspensions, the injuries, and the fact that Miami wasn't very good to begin with, they'll be lucky if they beat Duke by double-digits. After that game though, presuming they move to 5-2, they've got @GT, Va Tech, @Maryland, @Virginia, and BC.

Maryland and UVA are the wildcards, because they're not very good, but those are road games and Miami isn't very good either. I think 5 losses is a certainty, and Miami could lose as many as 7 games if the Terps or Cavs decide to show up.

If Miami actually loses to Duke this weekend, I think the best the Canes can hope for is 6-6.
just as likely though or even more likely is the u cakewalking towards the conference title...
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ScarletBlood31;636172; said:
This all just shows that you can take the player out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the player.
Given that it is Miami, and they recruit from all over, I'd be inclined to think that their recruits are moving INTO the hood, not out of it.

You can't spell T-H-U-G without The 'U.'
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Shalala: Players made horrible mistake; won't lose scholarships

CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- Shaking her fist for emphasis, Miami president Donna Shalala said Tuesday that sanctions levied against 13 players for their role in a sideline-clearing brawl were fair, justified and strong enough to satisfy the university.

All that, though, came with one big caveat: Miami athletes simply can never fight again, she said.

"This university will be firm and punish people who do bad things," Shalala said. "But we will not throw any student under the bus for instant restoration of our image or our reputation. I will not hang them in a public square. I will not eliminate their participation at the university. I will not take away their scholarships."

Miami officials have enacted a new rule that any athlete who fights will be dismissed from that team, a "new standard ... zero tolerance" policy. That, along with 12 one-game suspensions, one indefinite suspension and orders that all players involved in Saturday night's brawl with Florida International do community service, is sufficient punishment, Shalala said.
Miami prez Donna Shalala: 'We will not throw anybody under the bus.' (Getty Images)

"It's time for the feeding frenzy to stop," Shalala said. "These young men made a stupid, terrible, horrible mistake and they are being punished."

Two Miami players involved in the melee, sophomore Anthony Reddick and senior Brandon Meriweather, apologized Tuesday for their roles.

Shalala will meet with FIU president Mitch Maidique on Thursday to determine if next season's game between the teams will be played. An announcement will be made by the weekend, Shalala said.

"It doesn't matter. They can schedule whoever they want," Miami quarterback Kyle Wright said when asked about the possibility of facing FIU again next season.

The brawl started with nine minutes left in the third quarter of a game Miami went on to win 35-0. As the fighting started, two FIU players -- Chris Smith and Marshall McDuffie Jr. -- attacked Miami holder Matt Perrelli. Moments later, Reddick ran across the field, wielding his helmet as a weapon, and smashed it into at least one FIU player.

Smith and McDuffie were kicked off FIU's team on Monday; Reddick was given an indefinite suspension by the Hurricanes. All other 16 FIU players sanctioned for their roles in the brawl were suspended indefinitely, while 12 more Miami players will sit out this Saturday's game at Duke.

Reddick, speaking after practice Tuesday, apologized for behavior he called reckless and disgraceful.

"The person that everyone saw last Saturday was truly not me," Reddick said. "And that was not a good reflection of my character."

Meriweather issued a written statement of apology and said he did so without the urging of any university official. Meriweather stomped on FIU players during the melee.

"I was not part of the initial fight that broke out," Meriweather wrote. "However, I did see that my teammates and, more specifically, the placeholder were being attacked by the FIU players. At that point I went over the pile so that I could control my teammates and prevent the fight from becoming worse. When I arrived at the pile, I did not use my better judgment."

Echoing his university's president, Miami coach Larry Coker said he found the sanctions ordered by his school and the Atlantic Coast Conference to be fair.

"We are accountable and we need to take care of our athletes and do everything we can to make sure these things don't occur," Coker said. "When you have a terrible incident like this, it really brings home the consequences."

Suspended Miami players continue to practice with the team. Most wore green scout-team jerseys Tuesday.

All the suspended FIU players will have to complete 10 hours of anger management counseling and 50 hours of community service, as well as being on probation for the remainder of the academic year. All FIU players -- suspended or not -- and coaches will need to complete community service projects.

Shalala, though, insisted that the sum of the penalties handed out by Miami was strong enough.

"I believe that the young men we have recruited for our football team are young men of great character," Shalala said. "But they did a very bad thing."
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Well, she did shake her fist.

Suspended Miami players continue to practice with the team. Most wore green scout-team jerseys Tuesday.

The Miami boards have been celebrating this incident because it 1) restored Miami 'pride', 2) unites the team and 3) accelarate Coker's departure.

If all these guys do is miss a very winnable Duke game they are absolutely correct. This is win-win for Miami. Bullshit.
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These "punishments" are a joke. It is really sickening to see how passive Miami and the ACC are being about this. Before I just hated the football team, now I'm starting to hate the whole university.

Meriweather being suspended for 1 game is laughable. The players still being allowed to practice is about as bad. These are not "young men of great character", they are gang-bangers with athletic ability. The fact that they all huddled up and started rallying together after the fight proves just that, and that it is in their nature and not just some fluke mistake they made.
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We had a player flat-out choke a quarterback not too long ago and that was an instance where it was totally unprovoked. The quarterback's voicebox was squeezed such that he had a hard time breathing and couldn't return to the game. Pushing, punching or stomping on someone who jumped your teammate first is not worse than an unprovoked choking, and swinging a helmet is arguably in the same category as an unprovoked choking. Coach Tressel is a great leader and fair person, and his chosen punishment for Reynolds was one game.

I agree that the FIU-Miami game was a poor reflection on college football. But please stop making it more than it is. The kids on the Hurricanes should not be kicked off the team or expelled. They had a player get attacked and they reacted violently. They received punishment and the punishment is consistent with historical punishments for similar acts, our own program included.

I seriously doubt any of you would be bitching if Gonzo took a boot to the Iowa player who was punching Datish in the face (and Datish is a hell of a lot stronger than a team punter). I know I wouldn't be.
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