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osugrad21;635812; said:
Link ...But, hey, Miami officials promised that their players would be assigned to community service projects during their suspension.

Great, maybe they can pick up trash along roadways while wearing those prison-issue jumpsuits, which evidently come in orange for a reason.

OK, OK, OK. Dammit, I admit it! Good sports journalism is not dead.

That has to be one of the best lines in sports journalism in recent memory. Priceless! :biggrin:
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OSUBasketballJunkie;635826; said:
Greg Cote said:
Florida International was just as resolute in identifying and disciplining the main culprits in the brawl.
Seems to me they were just a tad more resolute.
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More snippets from Grassy.... :lol:

In the end, what it boils down to is jealousy, we blew away traditional college football and the residue remains.
Even though this puts a black eye on our school, I kind of love that everyone is against us. This nightmare will end soon and Coker will be gone. We will be back !!!!!!!!!!!
To hell with anyone of you that choose to buy into what the rest of the AZZ Clowns out there are saying. I have more respect for Lamar Thomas because do not think for one moment he did not know what he was doing and what the outcome could be.. The man bleeds Orange and Green and did not sell out.. He was overcome as I was when we saw what FIU did and the only thing to do is to meet Force with Force. You want to turn a football game into a fight nobody does it better than Miami.

Parents certainly hated what happened, but i promise you that the kids [recruits] liked every second of it. Hopefully some big time recruits to witness it.
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Dryden;635993; said:
What the heck is the hold up on extending the suspension of Brandon Meriweather? I don't get it ... :confused:

He should've been booted from the team entirely.

I haven't seen the entire tape, but I saw him get in 3 or 4 stomps on guys laying in the pile. I'm amazed he's not gone for the year.

[tibor75] I'm also taking bets on the Bengals drafting him next spring. [/tibor75]

I also think Shalala and Dee should decide that Miami won't go to a Bowl game this year.
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OSUsushichic;635983; said:
They're certainly living up to their reputation.

I spent a couple hours over on that board yesterday...friggin unbelievable. The level of douchebaggery over there is unrivaled...:shake:

I'm starting to agree with those who've said cancel the series with Miami. I'm sure there's enough time to get a different "national power" to replace them...
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