Wow, I really thought I was going to be one of the only ones sticking up for this guy. Seeing as that's not the case, I'll just say that if you want to conclude that his 'legacy' is totally devalued, fine. The relentless tongue-lashing, though, is something I don't understand. He's fucking retired. Congress had already formed their opinions before he even fucking got there, so now that he's been forced into talking, there's no reason to berate the man any longer. Quite frankly, watching the first round (the speech by Bunning and the unabashed verbal ass-licking that followed), the hearings--from congress' perspective--seem like little more than a gaggle of whiney old white men who are upset that the game has changed. Yes, they've held 29 other hearings for other drugs (and marijuana), but something tells me they didn't execute them with the same level of personal indignance. They all act like they've been personally affronted by this whole situation. Open letter to those guys:
Go fuck yourselves. You have no idea what the athletes of today have to endure. You think it's unnatural that guys are hitting 480' bombs to right center? Wake the fuck up. Yes, some of them (I don't think the 1% figure is wholly unbelievable - that'd be, what, nine or ten guys?) may be juicing. Even if it's five percent, you don't just chalk up the trends of modern baseball to steroids alone. Did Hank Aaron or Mickey fucking Mantle have a team of personal trainers, or advanced supplements and vitamins, or dieticians? It's my belief that for every one guy on roids, there are about a hundred guys gutting it out, drinking their protein shakes and hitting the gym nine hours a day. Just like always, people (congress and the media, basically) have gotten themselves all worked up over this and have turned it into something it's not. It's not a fucking public health crisis. Smoking - that's a fucking public health crisis, but I don't see fucking congress crying about it.