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Nutriaitch;1299836; said:
The SEC head of officials defended him (big surprise). Said he was in proper positio, and was lifting his arm to "protect himself".

Of course these are the same guys that said the officiating in this game was legit (watch the 2:05 mark for a terrible "no call")
YouTube - Ref Gate LSU vs Auburn 2006

I hope you're just calling the bad officiating and not stating that LSU got screwed, because on all but the very last one, LSU got the benefit. (The one you bring into question should have been offsetting penalties for both offensive and defensive passing interference. He shoves the defender out of the way before reaching for the ball)
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BUCKYLE;1300629; said:
Then you lose your [censored]ing job.

I see, so mistake made...fired. Guess we're ALL out of a job then. Perhaps that's why our jobless rate is rising...'cause we've instituted a new policy whereby you get fired upon your mistake. Great idea...unemployment for everyone!!! WooHoo!!!
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matcar;1302192; said:
I see, so mistake made...fired. Guess we're ALL out of a job then. Perhaps that's why our jobless rate is rising...'cause we've instituted a new policy whereby you get fired upon your mistake. Great idea...unemployment for everyone!!! WooHoo!!!
Hello there, Mr. Hyperbole, nice to see you today!

When is the last time you instinctively tackled someone in a very suspicious manner?
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jwinslow;1302194; said:
Hello there, Mr. Hyperbole, nice to see you today!

When is the last time you instinctively tackled someone in a very suspicious manner?

That would be my wife on our first date, she tazered me afterwords, then I shanked her with a broken beer bottle. After that, she tried to run me down with her car but missed. Since then, she's held me hostage in the basement, and tells me that no one else loves me, I've been here for 8 years, please help me.
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jwinslow;1302194; said:
Hello there, Mr. Hyperbole, nice to see you today!

When is the last time you instinctively tackled someone in a very suspicious manner?

Me...Not long ago. I coach in a youth league and am on the field during play and recently made a move that I should not have...and it impacted play. It happens.

Look...honestly...do you really believe that there was something he was trying to do, in front of 60,000 and a TV audience? If you do...you're welcome to your belief. I'll admit that I'm a complete idiot, but to intentionally try to knock the guy down (and for what possible gain...I can't comprehend...it couldn't be wagering as he'd be found dead soon enough if that were the case), he'd have to be a bigger idiot than me, and frankly, that's not possible.

So yeah, I can easily see (having been in similar positions) where a guy could react to things happening that way...especially a guy who played the game before.

You have your consipracy theory, I'll take mine...that the guy just reacted. Granted, not a good thing to do, but I don't see something intentional out of it. And oddly, neither did Spurrier.
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To your point about 'mistakes', it's kind of irrelevant. A ref who can't get out of the way is one thing (and a problem out there), a ref who instead tackles a player for the defense should not retain his job. What's next, telling an umpire it's ok, it was just instincts when he stepped out and clotheslined the base runner heading home, or swatted away a layup in a close game?

Maybe it isn't his fault, and his brain goes 'see ball. hulk. SMASH!' That could excuse the guilt, not the conduct.
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Coqui;1301575; said:
I hope you're just calling the bad officiating and not stating that LSU got screwed, because on all but the very last one, LSU got the benefit. (The one you bring into question should have been offsetting penalties for both offensive and defensive passing interference. He shoves the defender out of the way before reaching for the ball)

No, I'm not saying LSU got screwed. I'm saying that game was anything BUT properly officiated.

A good example that may not have been in that video.

Earlier in the 4th quarter, LSU intercepted a pass, but was called for PI.
The contact happened about 5 yards down field from the pick.
Later in the game, was that play where they picked up the flag since the ball was deflected. Almost identical situations, but ruled differently.

The SEC said it's not pass interference because the ball was touched before it got to Doucet, but was pass interference on the play where the ball was picked off.

To me, both should have been called the same way. I'm ok with whichever way it gets called, but both should have been the same ruling, a not adamantly defended as they were called.
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jwinslow;1302200; said:
To your point about 'mistakes', it's kind of irrelevant. A ref who can't get out of the way is one thing, a ref who instead tackles a player for the defense should not retain his job. What's next, telling an umpire it's ok, it was just instincts when he stepped out and clotheslined the base runner heading home, or swatted away a layup in a close game?

Maybe it isn't his fault, and his brain goes 'see ball. hulk. SMASH!' That could excuse the guilt, not the conduct.

No, it is relevant. If you want to discipline him, then fine. Fired? Sheesh, I don't think so. You grade their actions on a play-by-play basis each week..well yeah, I agree with that. I don't agree that you make that mistake and your fired. I have several employees who work for me, and they make mistakes..sometimes big ones...but I don't fire them based upon one mistake.

So yeah, discipline...not fired. Big distinction.
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I think the fact that there's been a lot of questionable refereeing in the past 2 years of LSU/uSC games has a lot of people going "what the hell?" I can't say it's fixed or if it's not, but it does leave you a little curious.

I do see your point that if it was intentional, there would be a whole bunch of displeased bookies in Vegas that would be looking for blood, but it doesn't look good. I would understand if he kind of braced himself, but from what I am seeing it looks like he ran directly into the guy.
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matcar;1302198; said:
Me...Not long ago. I coach in a youth league and am on the field during play and recently made a move that I should not have...and it impacted play. It happens.

As a coach why were you in the field of play? Hopefully you were flagged or something. I mean at least the ref is suppose to be out there.

By the way how much money does someone that works for you have to lose before they are fired?
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jwinslow;1302206; said:
So how many times does he get to tackle a player before you stop letting him call more games?

More than once. Look at the impact of that item versus hundreds of other poor calls that have had a greater impact on the game. It's not even close. If there was a pattern here...then yeah, but you're calling him out based upon 1 item. IMO, no way you do that, and I'm glad that the coaches and SEC feel the same way.
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buckeyefool;1302213; said:
As a coach why were you in the field of play? Hopefully you were flagged or something. I mean at least the ref is suppose to be out there.

By the way how much money does someone that works for you have to lose before they are fired?

As I expressed, it's a youth league...two coaches for both teams on the field at all times.

Your second question is highly relevant. And ultimately decisions on letting someone go are based upon integrity and financial gain/loss. Very true. Not sure how to guage that in refereeing, although coaches are graded and I would expect this offense would have a significant impact on his grade.
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matcar;1302218; said:
As I expressed, it's a youth league...two coaches for both teams on the field at all times.

Your second question is highly relevant. And ultimately decisions on letting someone go are based upon integrity and financial gain/loss. Very true. Not sure how to guage that in refereeing, although coaches are graded and I would expect this offense would have a significant impact on his grade.

So you would say if the person losing alot of money it would have a more negative impact and may lead to termination?
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