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LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

Oh! Man! I'm dyin' here! :biggrin:
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LSUfan71;1016513; said:
Making your own roux nowadays is rare, even rarer, if that's a word, to use real lard. Even Justin Wilson uses vegetable oil. We're gonna have to hook-up and have you cook when you get down here.
Yep, been making my own roux from lard for a dozen years or more. I have cut way back, don't want clogged arteries :lol:

It is very time consuming, you have to stand there stirring and stirring at a very low temp for like 1 - 1 1/2 hours. Such is my dedication :biggrin:
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Seeing how this thread talks about food a lot, I have a question. Do stores carry Tony's up there, or do ya'll use it?

Not sure why, but just got to thinking and was curious. When i was in college, I had a professor who visited Japan a lot. He said it was always customary to bring a gift, and he always brought a few cans of that because everyone loved it over there.
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ray6072;1016683; said:
Seeing how this thread talks about food a lot, I have a question. Do stores carry Tony's up there, or do ya'll use it?

Not sure why, but just got to thinking and was curious. When i was in college, I had a professor who visited Japan a lot. He said it was always customary to bring a gift, and he always brought a few cans of that because everyone loved it over there.

ray6072;1016723; said:
Tony Chachere's. Its a seasoning. You can put it on anything you think of, and its going to taste good. lol

If you look in the right places.....

I can't recall where I picked it up the last time....not a normal grocery store...damned if I can remember. Loved that shit growing up, love it now. :banger:
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Bucky Katt;1016739; said:
If you look in the right places.....

I can't recall where I picked it up the last time....not a normal grocery store...damned if I can remember. Loved that shit growing up, love it now. :banger:

I get mine at Walmart! Love this stuff...I even put it in scrambled eggs!
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JCOSU86;1016643; said:
Yep, been making my own roux from lard for a dozen years or more. I have cut way back, don't want clogged arteries :lol:

It is very time consuming, you have to stand there stirring and stirring at a very low temp for like 1 - 1 1/2 hours. Such is my dedication :biggrin:

My grandmother would make me and my cousins take turns stirring, we learned to stay in the woods out of sight when she was cooking gumbo. She switched from lard when we were still kids after my grandfather started having heart problems.
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