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LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

LSU_Ed;1016623; said:
You can't be enjoying a beignet. Your shirts are too clean. You must have powdered sugar all over your shirt to enjoy them. :shake:

Here in Ohio, we've perfected the art of eating funnel cakes due to the Ohio State fair. Almost good enough that there isn't even powdered sugar on our fingers (ok maybe that last part's exaggerating a little :p)
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Most of the suggestions from fellow New Orleanians so far have been great, so no need to repeat them.

But one thing you folks ought to do if you have time is take a bus or van tour ("destruction tour") of the many still-decimated parts of our fair city. The places you'll be--from the French Quarter to the Dome--are in great shape, but much of the outlying city is still in ruins. It'll help you appreciate the magnitude of what happened almost 2 1/2 years ago, and why Louisiana still needs help (since much of the country is far beyond "Katrina Fatigue" now).

I live 4 houses away from the 17th st. Canal Levee breach--the one that was on the news daily with the helicopters dropping the big sandbags into the water. I'm back, and if you tour by, look for the house with the 8-foot inflatable LSU Tiger holding up his finger "#1". I'd be happy to show you around and welcome you to our "working to once again be a" fair city.

I hope many of you make it, spend your money, enjoy the game (not too much!) and tell your friends to come to New Orleans!

Geaux Tigers!
Go Buckeyes! (sort of...)
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Thanks for the thread all. I am leaving for NOLA tomorrow night. Guess I might just miss the game, but the air fares are cheaper now (thanks SkyBus).

My wife can't handle spicy foods, so I hope she enjoys watching me eat because I plan to hit many of the spots mentioned here. I may have to print out the entire thread.
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LSUfan71;1017493; said:
You Buckeyes should see Punkin, The Tiger Kitty.

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Oh8ch;1017666; said:
My wife can't handle spicy foods, so I hope she enjoys watching me eat because I plan to hit many of the spots mentioned here. I may have to print out the entire thread.

Oh no! Don't fall for the misconception that all N.O. food is spicy, or hot, or blackened! This is what you get anytime you go to a "Cajun" restaurant in other parts of the country, but is not the reality. Sure there are spicy dishes, but the spice doesn't always mean hot. Your wife will find much to enjoy on the menus--just ask the waiters about the dishes. She should love it!
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