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LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

JCOSU86;1016472; said:
I make a seasoned chicken and Andouille sausage gumbo that is a hit every where I take it. I also have a good Jambalaya recipe and have made cooked-down cabbage, Alligator Sauce Piquant and Oysters Italienne.

We had a bbq up here this last year that was a taster of all kinds of meat, duck sausage, frog, gator, etc. My mother was visiting that weekend, and of all the bits and pieces of all the meats left over the next day, she made a super yummy Jambalaya. I like that it can be made with whatever is lying around as well as the traditional way.
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LSU Fans?

What are the more popular LSU blogs? I've done some simple searches but I can't find anything with any great detail or decent writing.

Side note: I still dream of NOLA's seafood. If your on the fence of heading down the seafood alone is worth the trip. This coming from a New Yorker
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JCOSU86;1016421; said:
Cooking Cajun is my hobby so I agree. Dark roux is the most complex and tastiest. I also grow my own cayenne peppers, make my own stock, and at the risk of turning on SIMV, get lard from local Ohio grown hogs.

Making your own roux nowadays is rare, even rarer, if that's a word, to use real lard. Even Justin Wilson uses vegetable oil. We're gonna have to hook-up and have you cook when you get down here.
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NYCBuckeye 2000;1016487; said:
What are the more popular LSU blogs? I've done some simple searches but I can't find anything with any great detail or decent writing.

Side note: I still dream of NOLA's seafood. If your on the fence of heading down the seafood alone is worth the trip. This coming from a New Yorker

Unfortunately the best blogs are pay per view. I'm on the Tiger Lair, a pay part of Tiger Roar. The unpaid part is dominated by idiot non-LSU fans wanting to tell us how Alabama will own us now that Nick Saban is their coach.

NOLA, a fine restaurant. Some think it is Emeril's best. There are so many good ones, you really can't miss. Just avoid the tourista places.

Go early, around 11:00 a.m. and get into Acme Oyster House. Sit at the oyster bar and just tell the shuckers you want oysters. You will learn the meaning of Lagniappe. They shuck oysters and put them by the dozen on trays for the wait staff to pick up. If you are at the bar, they give you the best ones just as they shuck them. Then, they "count" how many empty shells there are. They always under count. Tip them well.
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I highly recommend Kenner Seafood on Loyola Drive. The shrimp boat is a loaf of french bread stuffed with fried goodies, you'll need a wheel chair to leave the place.


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I hope you all have a great time in NOLA. I'm sure none of you will be disappointed.

Some tips-

1.) Don't take a cab out of the French Quarter. Walk a few blocks then hail a cap. (They charge more for cabs picking up or dropping off in the French Quarter.)

2.) Buy alcohol at a supermarket, if possible. The liquor stores downtown are more expensive.

3.) LOTS of great places to eat. Be sure to try Mike Anderson's on Bourbon and Cafe Du Monde.

4.) Some of my favorite places to stay are the Monteleone, Iberville Suites, Provencial and Royal Sonesta.

5.) Hand Grenades and Hurricanes are perfectly acceptable drink names in NOLA. If you're adventurous, try the Swamp Water.
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I am Buckeye born and bred..but my husband is from New Orleans! I will be spending Christmas in Louisiana surrounded by LSU fans...pray for me!

Anyway, here are my favorite New Orleans destinations

1. Cafe DuMonde. You must try the cafe au lait and beignets--a must do! Here is a photo of my son and I enjoying a beignet (pronounced ben-yeah).


2. Go to the Desire Oyster bar for some oysters or try some crawfish-yum.


3. One of my favorite family photos:


4. Finally...his dad made him pose for this, poor child:


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I'm calling BS on this . . . . . .

buckeyehottie;1016593; said:
1. Cafe DuMonde. You must try the cafe au lait and beignets--a must do! Here is a photo of my son and I enjoying a beignet (pronounced ben-yeah).


You can't be enjoying a beignet. Your shirts are too clean. You must have powdered sugar all over your shirt to enjoy them. :shake:
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