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LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

Welcome to New Orleans, Buckeyes!

On behalf of the Tiger Nation, and as a lifelong New Orleanian, welcome to New Orleans. If anyone has questions on restaurants/hotels/etc. I am happy to answer them. Here's hoping for a great, injury-free game, and that all Buckeye fans enjoy all but 3-4 hours of their visit to the Crescent City. :)
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JCOSU86;1016472; said:
I make a seasoned chicken and Andouille sausage gumbo that is a hit every where I take it. I also have a good Jambalaya recipe and have made cooked-down cabbage, Alligator Sauce Piquant and Oysters Italienne.

If you'll share, I'm sure many of us who will watch the game from Ohio would love your recipes. I want to make some gumbo and/or jambolaya for gameday eatin!!
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I visited my brother last month in New Orleans. First time I had been in the city in many years.

You have received many excellent recommendations on things to do, see, and eat.

Let me offer three must's from my recent visit:

(1) Visit the World War II museum. The displays rival the Smithsonian's.

(2) Eat at Commanders Palace. A little pricey but well worth the visit.

(3) A biegnet and cafe au lait at Cafe Du Monde.

For those traveling to New Orleans. Enjoy your visit, spend $$$ the economy needs it, and don't be offended by Tiger Bait chants. :biggrin: Take it in the spirit it is intended and chances are you will be offered food and beverage.
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Tailgating DISCLAIMER:

New Orleans although only 70 miles from BR it is nothing like Baton Rouge... I won't say New Orleans is the worse place to tailgate but it does suck on a grand scale. You will have more fun actually cruising Bourbon Street than having to deal with the restrictions on tailgating, parking, etc...

My recommendation, if you want to save time and money and you guys are social butterflies, would be to head over to the nearest Tiger gathering... Take a few "Tigerbaits" on the chin and ask those crazy Coonasses (not racist name BTW - it's a tern of endearment like the N word but can be said by all!:wink2:) what's in the pot? They will offer you food & drink and will engage you deep in football discussion and probably alot of BS too.

Overall, you will find they are a bunch of drunks who love a good party. I think you will find that most LSU fans highly RESPECT the Bucks and are nervous as cats in a room full of rocking chairs no matter how relaxed the appear...lol

Anyway... there is a thread on what to do in New Orleans for those of you that have not been located here - Any recommendations for visting fans? @ TigerDroppings.com

Anyway... Look forward to partying with the Buckeye faithful!
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GeauxTigers99;1017440; said:
:lol: definitely Rick's Cabaret on Bourbon.

and if you're looking to forget a night......drink a few Hurricane's at Pat O's followed by a handgrenade or two:cheers:

Hopefully I won't be in too big of a hurry to forget the game :)

Thanks for this and all the other suggestions so far though; the more I think about it the more I want to make the trip down.
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For the best/worst drink, get a Hand Grenade from Tropcal Isle in the Quarter. Best because you WILL get drunk, worst because you WILL be hungover.:)

As far as a simple sitdown, I guess I will go with the old standard and say Cafe Du Monde. Their Chicory coffee and beignets with powdered sugar can become a meal in itself if you aren't careful.

Cuisine.... pick your heaven, and forget your diet for once! There must be hundreds of world class eateries to choose from in the Big Easy. I had a sister-in-law that waited tables at a restaurant called The Court of Two Sisters. Excellent Italian/French food, and terrific atmosphere (for a price). Forget Emeril's, that place is totally overrated.

Hit up the D-Day museum if you find the time. I've been to D.C. and have seen all the museums on the mall. The National D-Day Museum is head and shoulders above every one, in my opinion. The Aquarium of the Americas is cool too, if only for the pirahna and albino alligators.

People will yell at you, Buckeye fans, and some will be rude. But the VAST majority will just be pulling your chain. All teams have obnoxious fans, and of course LSU is no different. However, Southern hospitality is a very real phenomenon, and for you die hard OSU fans making the trip down, I hope you will thoroughly enjoy your stay. Except for about four and a half hours Monday night, January 7th.

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