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LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

Back and forth from Kenner

The Hilton Garden Inn is actually not at the airport, although it is in Kenner. There is a Hilton right at the airport and if you're staying there, you may look into catching the French Quarter shuttle at the airport, but I doubt you'd be saving much money over a cab. If you're at the Garden Inn, you'll be right near the Treasure Chest casino on Lake Pontchartrain, so you may be able to find a shuttle there.

Don't know about park and rides running over the weekend, but you can make your own, assuming you're not going to try to drive back through Kenner intoxicated (a bad idea anywhere but particularly so in Kenner).

If I were in your shoes, I would drive into town on I-10 East, park near City Park and take the streetcar to the Quarter. You could catch the streetcar ($1 a trip I think) at Esplanade and Wisner at the main entrance to City Park, which is where it will be easiest to park. It's about a 1/2 hour ride down Canal to the quarter. (The schedule is available at New Orleans Regional Transit Authority : Route 47-48: Canal Streetcar, Saturday, Effective: 11-11-2007

You could also ride uptown and catch the streetcar at Napoleon and St. Charles, which is a very nice ride, but that area of town will be harder to reach from Kenner.

Using this map as a reference...
new orleans - Google Maps

Exit I-10 at Metairie Rd/City Park Ave and go west on City Park avenue. When City Park Ave. dead ends at N. Carrollton, you'll see the streetcar line directly in front of you. There's lots of parking around there.

Good luck, have fun and thanks for coming.
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[quote='BusNative;105188;0]There are TONS of buckeye fans roaming N.O. There were so many :oh: cheers last night - it was amazing. The LSU fans seemed to be very surprised by the numers.

My head hurts. Badly.

edit: went to Coop's last night too - very good.[/quote]

We know you're here. We are mostly uptown, in the wearhouse district or driving in tomorrow. We thought we would give you bourbon street for the last few days. We're gonna need it back soon though. It's full of sin but it's ours.
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cantseeme;1052466; said:
We know you're here. We are mostly uptown, in the wearhouse district or driving in tomorrow. We thought we would give you bourbon street for the last few days. We're gonna need it back soon though. It's full of sin but it's ours.

Fricking wearhouses....

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so far, so great...

We got in Saturday around 6:45. Stayed in for the evening other than a quick trip to the market. We've had a few VERY full days on the way down...Memphis, Clarksdale, Mississippi...

Hit the streets around 10:30 yesterday. Met a group of ladies in town to catch a cruise ship. They knew "something" must be going on. I instructed them in the appropriate answer to a shout of "O-H" so they would fit in!

I can't begin to describe how great people have been to us. We started out the day in regular shirts, but changed to red before the pep rally. All day and night, people were saying "Thank you for coming down for the game."

I think we got back to the hotel around midnight or so...got off the streets before anything got too ugly. Has been a great time so far!
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[quote='BusNative;105188;0]There are TONS of buckeye fans roaming N.O. There were so many :oh: cheers last night - it was amazing. The LSU fans seemed to be very surprised by the numers.

My head hurts. Badly.

edit: went to Coop's last night too - very good.[/quote]

Glad to see you went there. It's a bit unknown even to locals but it's a gem.

I was out on Bourbon Sat. night. Had a great time with the OSU fans going back and forth. It was all in good fun and I ran into nary a belligerent Buckeye. They're representing well. Y'all will outnumber LSU fans in the Quarter until today since most LSU folks wouldn't arrive until today. After the game Bourbon will be packed and you'll move in currents and eddies cramed in so tight you'll owe the person next to you dinner. One year during Mardi Gras it was so packed I could feel my feet lift off the ground while still vertical. Kinda scary.
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