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Look Who's Transferring Now (The Portal)

College Football Transfer Portal Top 150: Final rankings for the 2021 cycle

1. Henry To'o To'o, LB, Alabama (from Tennessee): Proven head-hunter at linebacker who should become an even bigger star — and a probable first-round pick — at Alabama.
5. Mike Jones Jr. LB, LSU (from Clemson): A perfect scheme fit for LSU and modern linebacker that can run like a safety but also impact the run game, Jones is the top linebacker transfer.

Entire article: https://247sports.com/LongFormArtic...Eric-Gray-Arik-Gilbert-167684946/#167684946_1

OK, if Mike Jones is the top linebacker to transfer, why isn't he ranked ahead of Henry To'o To'o?
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College Football Transfer Portal Top 150: Final rankings for the 2021 cycle

1. Henry To'o To'o, LB, Alabama (from Tennessee): Proven head-hunter at linebacker who should become an even bigger star — and a probable first-round pick — at Alabama.
5. Mike Jones Jr. LB, LSU (from Clemson): A perfect scheme fit for LSU and modern linebacker that can run like a safety but also impact the run game, Jones is the top linebacker transfer.

Entire article: https://247sports.com/LongFormArtic...Eric-Gray-Arik-Gilbert-167684946/#167684946_1

OK, if Mike Jones is the top linebacker to transfer, why isn't he ranked ahead of Henry To'o To'o?
All of those rats jumped from the S.S. Harbrau and I only see one on that list (Charbonnet) who barely cracks the top-20 as a former 5*. Nobody ruins once promising careers like ttun.
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College Football Transfer Portal Top 150: Final rankings for the 2021 cycle

1. Henry To'o To'o, LB, Alabama (from Tennessee): Proven head-hunter at linebacker who should become an even bigger star — and a probable first-round pick — at Alabama.
5. Mike Jones Jr. LB, LSU (from Clemson): A perfect scheme fit for LSU and modern linebacker that can run like a safety but also impact the run game, Jones is the top linebacker transfer.

Entire article: https://247sports.com/LongFormArtic...Eric-Gray-Arik-Gilbert-167684946/#167684946_1

OK, if Mike Jones is the top linebacker to transfer, why isn't he ranked ahead of Henry To'o To'o?

Silly question!

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Any chance we could require transfers to wear the uniform of their "to" school and the helmet of their "from" school like the do in the all star games?

I can't keep up with this shit.

(Tate Martell could wear tassels.)

I mean it's no different than free agency in the NFL. Just focus on your own team for the most part, that's what I do. You'll go crazy keeping up now. I pay attention to who we get and to guys who leave OSU. Who cares who transfers to Purdue or Washington, unless we play them
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One of the most interesting things about the transfer portal so far is the number of teams that seem to be getting better results, even though the transfer portal "crushed them" according to the numbers (and all of the off season articles about the numbers).

Tennessee, Michigan State and TTUN all appear to be performing better than they did last year, in spite of losing more than 17 players each (I literally lost count and the internet is full of conflicting numbers on the subject).

The Volunteers and Spartans were literally at the top of the list of teams who lost players to the portal; both were in the twenties. TTUN was among the top dozen, so at least 25% of the teams that lost the most have shown significant improvement, including both of the teams that lost the very most.

It seems to be at least possible that there is some addition by subtraction going on; that by removing players that didn't want to be there, regardless of talent-level, the resulting impact on the locker room results in a better team.

Note that I said "possible". It will be an interesting thing to keep an eye on over the years.
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One of the most interesting things about the transfer portal so far is the number of teams that seem to be getting better results, even though the transfer portal "crushed them" according to the numbers (and all of the off season articles about the numbers).

Tennessee, Michigan State and TTUN all appear to be performing better than they did last year, in spite of losing more than 17 players each (I literally lost count and the internet is full of conflicting numbers on the subject).

The Volunteers and Spartans were literally at the top of the list of teams who lost players to the portal; both were in the twenties. TTUN was among the top dozen, so at least 25% of the teams that lost the most have shown significant improvement, including both of the teams that lost the very most.

It seems to be at least possible that there is some addition by subtraction going on; that by removing players that didn't want to be there, regardless of talent-level, the resulting impact on the locker room results in a better team.

Note that I said "possible". It will be an interesting thing to keep an eye on over the years.
Ohio State’s LB room could be a close to home example.
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It's best for both sides. They both need to move on. Will be interesting to see if Martinez can improve in a new situation or if he was indeed the anchor that has sunk Frost. He did have a tendency to melt down at the most inopportune moments. He definitely has talent, but the mental side has caused him issues.

How in the holy fuck does he still have eligibility left?
COVID year freebie.
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