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Look Who's Transferring Now (The Portal)

Warinner wasn't on scholarship at scUM; also, he could have lost any "son of scUM employee" discount on tuition (if they offered it) when his old man's contract wasn't renewed by Harbaugh.

Hell, this is transfer #2 for him, he transferred into scUM from Sparty. I'm thinking this is a situation of "Hey son, come on down to FAU"......:lol:
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Living in South Africa must be messing with your northern hemisphere geography; the British Olentangy is no where near there. That's more French Cuyahoga territory.

My bad. I get my lefts and rights mixed up and our maps aren't labelled up here. Here is a map with the continents actually presented in their relative size to one another and right side up. The size of Africa is a bit mind-blowing when you think of the map projections we saw as kids. I just hope the TSUN recruiters never figure out that the Sahara is a recruiting goldmine!

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My bad. I get my lefts and rights mixed up and our maps aren't labelled up here. Here is a map with the continents actually presented in their relative size to one another and right side up. The size of Africa is a bit mind-blowing when you think of the map projections we saw as kids. I just hope the TSUN recruiters never figure out that the Sahara is a recruiting goldmine!

Figures you’d post a map of Africa looking like a dick and a huge set of balls.
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I missed that Warinner was gone from TTUN. I wouldn't want him calling plays, but I'm surprised he couldn't get a better OL coaching job than FAU.

The talk has always been that he's a major douche, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's burned a lot of bridges. And it also doesn't help that he's an absolute terrible recruiter! He's lucky that he landed FAU and isn't in HS
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