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Look Who's Transferring Now (The Portal)

It's best for both sides. They both need to move on. Will be interesting to see if Martinez can improve in a new situation or if he was indeed the anchor that has sunk Frost. He did have a tendency to melt down at the most inopportune moments. He definitely has talent, but the mental side has caused him issues.

COVID year freebie.
And 12 redshirts.
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Since 2010 they've had a Martinez at QB for 8 years. First Taylor now Adrian, it's confusing because they were both equally hyped by BTN and harmless to the Buckeyes.

Holy hell, I was still alive when the Martinez family's reign of terror (for Nebraska fans) began. God help the Huskers if they have any more sons.
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I think my brain morphed them into the same person.

Same. I feel pretty dumb. lol


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