What's reality is that you fit the very definition of a troll. Lets see, you've admitted to hating Cleveland fans, claim to have no vested interest in the Heat or LeBron, and continue to pop up in this thread even after saying you were done doing so. You're essentially a poor man's tibor at this point. But with Tron gone, I guess somebody has to step up to the plate.
If you're not trolling, please explain to me your purpose in this thread. It's clearly a LeTurnover bashing thread...look at the friggin' title for Christ's sake. Of course Cavs fans are pissed at him, he bolted in the most public of ways leaving behind a wake of undelivered promises and questionable effort on his way out. We're Cleveland fans, the longest suffering bunch of saps on the planet, and we have a long memory. Your presence here is for no other reason than to illicit a negative reaction. It's akin to me going on a scUM board and chastising them for being so hard on LLoyd Carr after he left. This is a "hate LeTurnover thread", you know that, I know that. If you aren't a fan of LeTurnover or the Heat, your motive is clear. It's trolling, by definition.
Also, get it right, I never said anything about his poor grandma (bad enough she was stuck with a crackwhore daughter), I said I hope he gets eaten by a fucking shark.