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LB Andrew Sweat (2011-12 B1G Outstanding Sportsmanship Award winner)

Athlete Vault - Top Stories

Player Interview with Andrew Sweat ? ESPN/Under Armour All-American Practices
Jason Pughe
Athlete Vault - Home
Updated January 14, 2008...
During the ESPN/Under Armour All-American practices, I had the chance to interview Ohio State LB commit Andrew Sweat. Sweat said of the experience, "It's awesome; it is fun to play with all of these players." Throughout the week of practices, Sweat really stood out; so much so that even teammates like Jamie Harper praised him.

"You just have to learn quickly when you don't have time to work out", Sweat remarked about this week. "You learn the speed of the game. All of these guys are All-Americans, that's why they are here, they are good. It's a lot faster; you have to make your reads faster, shed blocks faster, it's just another level up." Sweat was really taking the experience in and during the practices; he was always asking questions and looking for ways to improve his game.

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Early NFL Draft entries affecting decisions
By Billy Tucker

Early playing time may be the most influential factor for today's top prospects around the country. With information now readily available on the internet, prospects are more apt to be looking at the two-deep, player bios and now draft analysis than what a given school's Sociology department has to offer freshmen semester.

While at the Under Armour All-America Game, Ohio State-bound linebacker Andrew Sweat (Washington, Pa./Trinity) said he actually hoped Butkus Award-winning linebacker James Laurinaitis would return for his senior season in Columbus.

"Although my chances of playing time could be less, I am kind of hoping he stays. He was a big part of my recruitment and could be a great mentor and a good guy to learn the system under," said ESPN's No. 2-rated inside linebacker.

Sweat's aspiration came true, as Laurinaitis announced Monday he would be returning for his senior year despite a first-round NFL projection.

ESPN - Early NFL Draft entries affecting decisions - Insider
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jenkinswoody;1069290; said:
Hawk holds off on his millions to groom Laurinaitis- Laurinaitis holds off on his millions to groom Sweat- Sweat.....(lets hope).

His quotes in the article are wise beyond his years.

Sounds good. Agree. Got a good feeling about AS. He's a worker. Watch out; monster, imo. Run or Pass, SabinoSweaters keeps you covered. Sorry.:!
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Lantern: Two-sport star chooses Bucks

Two-sport star chooses Bucks

Pennsylvania star ready to suit up for OSU

By: Brian Rosen

Posted: 2/1/08


Pretend for a moment that you're Ohio State baseball coach Bob Todd. You hear about a 6-foot-2-inch, 225-pound left-handed pitcher with a 93-mph heater and six years of training from a former New York Yankees scouting director. Salivating yet? Too bad this athlete's college plans center around knocking opposing players' heads off.

Although seemingly capable of a career on the diamond, Andrew Sweat's greatest passion derives from the thrill of victory on the gridiron. Sweat, a standout from Trinity High School in Washington, Pa, has verbally committed to OSU football for 2008.

"While baseball may be my best sport, I really want to play football at the next level," said Sweat, a 4-star linebacker recruit from rivals.com. "Many schools have spoken to me and I would consider (playing baseball) down the road, but for now my priority is the OSU football team."

The three-sport star, who also played shooting guard on the Hillers basketball team prior to this season, was named the Washington County Athlete of the Year after totaling 155 tackles and three interceptions this past season.

"He's a killer," said Ed Dalton, Trinity football coach and director of athletics. "He is a player that is not just happy tackling the ball; he wants to wreak havoc on the ball."

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