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LB Andrew Sweat (2011-12 B1G Outstanding Sportsmanship Award winner)

ESPN Chat with Andrew Sweat:

Link: ESPN: Chat: National Signing Day! - SportsNation

Buzzmaster: (1:30 PM ET ) Andrew Sweat, an OSU recruit!

Buzzmaster: (1:31 PM ET ) We're getting him right now!

Sean (Columbus, OH): Andrew, what are your expectations individually and for the team next year?

Andrew Sweat: (1:32 PM ET ) Definitely for myself, I'm going into spring practice and try as hard as I can. Hopefully I can get into the LB rotation. I think if I work hard, I'll try to work into the rotation. For the team, I don't think there isn't a way we shouldn't get back to the national championship game. Hopefull with the team we have, we can win it this year.

Andy (Columbus, OH): Name the one thing you're looking forward to most when putting on the scarlet and gray?

Andrew Sweat: (1:33 PM ET ) The one thing I'm looking forward to most is being a part of the team and the tradition. And learning from James Laurinaitis. I'll watch every move and try to do everything he does.

Josh (ashtabula,Oh): who excited are you about playing in one of the biggest rivals in sports history?

Andrew Sweat: (1:34 PM ET ) I'm so excited. I've watched OSU-Michigan since I've watched football. The winner, even if they're 0-10, it makes their season. I'm very excited to be a part of that rivalry.

Jordan (Slinger, WI): Why did you decide to attend OSU?

Andrew Sweat: (1:35 PM ET ) There were many reasons. I visited a lot of schools, probably 20 schools. It came down to them having the best facilities. They were close to home. Coach Tressel is one of the best. I just felt comfortable.

Tim(akron,Oh): Andrew your a Pa. boy why Ohio State?

Andrew Sweat: (1:36 PM ET ) It wasn't really that hard. I'm not a PSU fan. Penn State is actually further away from my house than OSU. There were a lot of reasons. It wasn't hard at all. I'm excited.

Meade (Raleigh, NC): Do you have a preference on getting red-shirted?

Andrew Sweat: (1:37 PM ET ) It doesn't really matter to me. Whatever the coaches think is best for me. If I can play my freshman year, I won't. It all depends on my development and that type of thing.

Craig (Charlotte, NC): Did the decision of "big stars" to stay at Ohio State for another year affect your decision to sign with the Buckeyes? O-H

Andrew Sweat: (1:37 PM ET ) Not really. I committed last June. That was long before those guys decided to come back. It's awesome that they're coming back. I'm excited to play with them. But it had no bearing on my decision.

Cody (Cape Girardeau, MO): How does it feel to be coming into Ohio State with such a tight knit recruiting class?

Andrew Sweat: (1:38 PM ET ) It's awesome. We're all best friends. It's actually pretty weird. We're all excited to play with each other. We already have a great friendship so hopefully that helps on the field. I feel lucky to be with these guys.

Andrew (Columbus, OH): The Lantern (osu student newspaper) mentioned that you're a baseball player...any chances you play both at OSU?

Andrew Sweat: (1:39 PM ET ) I'm not sure how possible that would be with playing football at OSU. I love baseball and we'll see how that works in the future. But from a time standpoint, I'm not sure how we'll get that done.

Dan: (Columbus, OH):: Andrew, what are your thoughts about pryor?

Andrew Sweat: (1:41 PM ET ) I thought he was going to go to OSU. I thought he would sign today, but he didn't. I haven't talked to him in the last week. It's up to him. I thought he was going to go to OSU, but right now, I'm not sure at all.

Jordan (Slinger, WI): What are your hobbies off the field?

Andrew Sweat: (1:41 PM ET ) Actually, I'm a huge golfer. That's what I do. That's what I did this summer between lifting weights.

Andrew Sweat: (1:42 PM ET ) Go Bucks! Hopefully we can win the national championship this year!

Buzzmaster: (1:42 PM ET ) Thanks Andrew!
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Washington Sunday: Trinity linebacking trio Division I recruits
Sunday, February 17, 2008
By Nicholas Tolomeo, Tri-State Sports & News Service

Sweat is headed to Ohio State and Yancich to Penn State where the two will face off against each other for the first time since seventh grade when Sweat played for Trinity West and Yancich for Trinity East. Weaver, who played for Trinity South in grade school, will be attending Ohio University.

"I think Andrew was out in front a little bit earlier. He was a little more natural and saw the finish line before Mike and Brandon did," Dalton said. "I remember sitting down with Mike and his parents. I asked them if he had any idea where he wants to be in a year or two because his maturity might not have been there, but ultimately he knew what he wanted to accomplish."

The overload of talent at linebacker led Dalton to try to move Sweat to safety early on where he played well, but his natural instincts at inside linebacker led Dalton to keep him there. Weaver played outside linebacker mostly with Yancich and Sweat on the inside.

Washington Sunday: Trinity linebacking trio Division I recruits
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Sportsbuck28;1140584; said:
When you make into the 2-deep on a Buckeye team as loaded at LB as we are, you know you are a special player.

I can't see him making the 2 deep this year. We just have so many LB's not sure how a freshman could make the 2 deep this year.

I think Freeman/JL/Homan will be starters. Terry/Spitler/Moeller or Rolle in the 2 deep.
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buck2006;1140615; said:
I can't see him making the 2 deep this year. We just have so many LB's not sure how a freshman could make the 2 deep this year.

I think Freeman/JL/Homan will be starters. Terry/Spitler/Moeller or Rolle in the 2 deep.
From what's been said in the thread he is already in the 2-deep.
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