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LB Andrew Sweat (2011-12 B1G Outstanding Sportsmanship Award winner)

With Trinity senior Andrew Sweat feverishly preparing for early graduation to enroll at the Ohio State University and join its football team, it's time to put his scholastic playing career in perspective.

Last week, Sweat was named to the Associated Press Pennsylvania Class AAA all-state team as a first-team linebacker. It marked Sweat's second consecutive first-team mention, a feat that has become increasingly rare.

The 2006-07 O-R Boys Athlete of the Year, Sweat is the first player from Washington and Greene counties to be a two-time first-teamer since Washington's Aaron Gatten in 1994 and '95.

It's hard to believe, but standouts like Fort Cherry's Mike Vernillo, Waynesburg's Lee Fritz and Lanfer Simpson and Wash High's Dan Mozes and Travis Thomas never earned two consecutive first-team selections.

Sweat, who entered the season 15 pounds heavier than his junior year, is the first to criticize his early season play. Several recruiting web sites followed suit. True, his first few games were not at the level he displayed as a junior or toward the end of this year, but Sweat still goes down as the area's best defensive player of the last decade.

O-R Online
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Just got done watching the AA game practices on ESPNU and Sweat is looking impressive. Nobody is really tackling anyone and then Sweat comes up and pops some RB from South Carolina. I really think Andrew is going to be a good one.
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I was watchign the practices late last night on ESPNU and Blake Ayles was being interviewed. When asked who he thought was standing out on defense he mentioned Andrew Sweat, and some of the corners but he didn't know their names. Said Sweat was hitting hard out there and was always around the ball. He is going to be a very good one for us.
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If these pics are too large I can post smaller ones. Just let me know.




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I talked to Andrew today at the Under Armour game. He actually said Go Bucks first then returned my O-H with a hearty I-O. Great kid. He was talking with his parents for a little and then I walked by and he said it. It was pretty cool.
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The kid really has grown since I have seen him!
He was more like around 6~8 years old in the time frame thy were bringing Fancy in for her "do"! It was 95' to 98' when they brought her then I quit & started my own business.
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I know it's been said before, but I can think of another LB who came in Underrated, some kid outta Minnesota I think.
Supposedly he won an award this past year named after some goofball from Illinois named Butkis

But that could just be a rumor too... sorry if it is mods :biggrin:
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