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LB Andrew Sweat (2011-12 B1G Outstanding Sportsmanship Award winner)


Trinity teammates Yancich, Sweat receive first team all-state honor as linebackers

By Kevin Jacobsen
Staff writer

[email protected]

It might be hard to imagine, but Trinity High School linebacker Andrew Sweat could have had a better 2007 season.

Most opponents would probably say he was plenty dominant, but Sweat thinks the ceiling might have been higher.

"I didn't think I played that great early in the season," said Sweat. "I was playing at 230 (pounds) and normally I want to be at 220 or 215. It took me a long time to drop down."

The Associated Press felt Sweat played well enough. On Friday the AP released its Class AAA all-state football teams, and Sweat and Hillers teammate Mike Yancich were both named first-team linebackers.

For Sweat, it is his second straight appearance on the all-state first-team. Sweat averaged 16 tackles a game, earned first-team All-Big Seven Conference honors and also rushed for 430 yards and eight touchdowns.

"I definitely wanted to be a two-time all-state member," said Sweat, an Ohio State recruit. "I try to be the best I can be. I'm thankful to be on the team. It's definitely an honor and I'm happy for Mike."

Sweat has been taking extra classes at Trinity for a month with the goal of graduating early. He estimates he has about two weeks remaining, then he can enroll at Ohio State, which can draw up to 95,000 people for its spring game.

"From a credit standpoint, I want to get an early jump," said Sweat, who has a 4.2 GPA. "I also want to get assimilated to the college game as early as I can."

O-R Online
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This only about Andrew in a general sense. For those in the know, it seems that more and more kids, at least at tOSU are finishing HS early and entering college early. Is this a trend nationwide or more so at tOSU where recruits are so enthused they cannot wait to get to C-bus?

Great job Andrew on your work in the classroom and on the gridiron.
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Thanks Sportsbuck, I understand that, it just seems that a bunch of guy's have enrolled early lately, with an unprecedented amount this year (Adam, Brewster, Shuggarts, Stoneburner, Sweat maybe Sabino and others) A few years ago I remember a non Amos #13, and one year maybe Yabouty and Whitner. There also seems to be so much enthusiasm with this group specially that they can't wait to be together, what a great group of guys.
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This is probably not the right place for this early enrollment discussion, but I think all of these guys getting a jump on college just shows how inane G Gees' comments concerning a college playoff is out because he doesn't want college to be a minor league for the pros. In Whitner and Yaboutys' early exit their early entry was cited as a factor since "they already have been here for parts of four years"

Well at least we can thank JT for bringing in good students who are obviously concerned with their education (albeit maybe secondarily) instead of guys who are just here to make it to the NFL.
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I still like the idea of redshirting guys. It gives the body time to develop enough to withstand the increased violence of the college game. I would imagine, even where you control for other factors (e.g. knowledge of the game), that true freshman players experience a higher incidence of injury than upperclassmen.
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