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LB Andrew Sweat (2011-12 B1G Outstanding Sportsmanship Award winner)

buck2006;1140615; said:
I can't see him making the 2 deep this year. We just have so many LB's not sure how a freshman could make the 2 deep this year.

I think Freeman/JL/Homan will be starters. Terry/Spitler/Moeller or Rolle in the 2 deep.

Well, Spitler will probably be on the other side of the ball, and don't forget Gibson, he needs to see the field in other roles besides LEO.
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NightmaresDad;1140819; said:
Well, Spitler will probably be on the other side of the ball, and don't forget Gibson, he needs to see the field in other roles besides LEO.

I have been told by Austin, that even though he is seeing some snaps at fullback, his main priority is to back up #33. Actually a few months ago when it was first brought up on here, he told me that I was crazy. I guess BP knows some things before the players do!!:biggrin:
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So does that mean Homan will be the starter at WLB? And Freeman at SLB? No way Sweat is a head of those two. Rolle was in the 2 deep when Homan got hurt last year but with Sweats size I could see that, but I could see a red shirt also.
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Andy Sweat's mom called me today & we have not talked in a few years & she was so thrilled to hear from me.
I used to groom their dog "Fancy" & Andy was a little boy then,about 8 or so.
She had no idea I was a Buckeye! We talked for about an hour.
We are hooking up this week before the game. She lives about 15 minutes from me.:)
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