the two stars of bridesmaids are a blasphemous suggestion as a worthy successor to Ghostbusters, especially given the star of that movie: Bill Murray.
I don't think anybody would suggest that there might even
be worthy successors, but the original movie was made 30 years ago.
There aren't enough people who saw the Murray led cast in theaters that are capable of naming 10 currently relevant comedic actors to fill a football stadium.
That alone is reason to go package deal with the cast. Get a group you know has made box office hits.
No reason to over-think what is going to be a profitable (and likely entertaining) movie by selecting and courting people deemed "worthy" of filling the roles by the 5% of movie-goers that weren't going to see the movie either way.
The Heat
Go home, you're drunk.
The only redeeming quality of this film is that Rebel Wilson won't be in it.
Excluding your lead-off shitter, Bridesmaids and The Heat were in fact very funny to a lot of people.
Funny enough to make this grouping an
easy sell to studios and more importantly movie-goers.
I do agree that I'd rather see this without Wiig (and Leslie Jones for that matter)...
...but Melissa McCarthy could perform 10 hours of interpretive dance from the Menendez trials' court documents and she'd sell out the building.
And anybody not familiar with Kate McKinnon should buy stock now, because after #GB16 (ooh you hate it, don't you) she's going to be big.
My point is that anyone that feels as if Ghostbusters is holy ground isn't going to give two shits about a reboot anyway, so going with a cast that will automatically be framed by contrast rather than comparison is the only way this movie could have a chance at being worth the price of admission. I'm usually a staunch defender of "classics", but in this case I think there is every reason to believe it might actually work.