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SloopyHangOn;1882026; said:
I can barely lift my right arm, because I did so many.
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Saw True Grit last night with some buddies. Thoroughly enjoyed it, though the 'proper' language started getting to me towards the end (especially the scenes with Lucky Ned Pepper talking to Tom Cheney and the rest his gang). I imagine it's just being true to the novel, but seriously, people didn't say won't and didn't (vs. will not/did not) back then?
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FCollinsBuckeye;1882099; said:
Saw True Grit last night with some buddies. Thoroughly enjoyed it, though the 'proper' language started getting to me towards the end (especially the scenes with Lucky Ned Pepper talking to Tom Cheney and the rest his gang). I imagine it's just being true to the novel, but seriously, people didn't say won't and didn't (vs. will not/did not) back then?


True Grit III - "Yo Tom, you beatch! You dinnt disrespect me????? Really??!!"

("And Meagan Fox as Maddy...")
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Watched Star Wars (IV) earlier. Still my favorite one.

The new Indiana Jones movie is on right now. It's fucking awful.

By the way, all of these movies were on today: Star Wars, A Bug's Life, Indiana Jones, Forrest Gump, Monsters, Inc, The Hunt for Red October, Scarface, The Life Aquatic and Coraline.

I think one of the other Indiana Jones movies was on earlier, but I'm not sure..
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