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Muck;1883133; said:

A modern western with Okie Vampires starring Adrian Pasdar & the cast of Aliens (Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen & Vasquez)

Wow! Until you said Vasquez I had never put the Aliens connection together. Great freaking oldie. Paxton absolutely steals most of his scenes. Haven't seen it for years. Have to track a DVD down now.
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The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest: Awesome trilogy, loved the final movie, though I thought the ending was a tad lame, but I feel that way about 75% of movies. Otherwise an amazing film, and the chick is dynamite...which is why the American version will suck.

Paranormal Activity 2: Was OK, I actually thought it was a better made film than the original, but it made little sense...I mean in the first one the wife is possessed and guts him, in this one the dude is attacked by his wife twice and then it cuts to him putting her to bed...WTF?
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Gatorubet;1884135; said:
Wow! Until you said Vasquez I had never put the Aliens connection together.

I didn't realize for years that she (Jenette Goldstein) also played John Connor's foster mom in Terminator 2.

Cameron is huge on recycling his actors and I'm sure that they all got cast in Near Dark because he and Bigelow (she directed it) were still married at the time.
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wadc45;1884253; said:
Team bus ride to Navy included Hot Tub Time Machine, Machete, Gladiator, Green Street Hooligans and Four Brothers, along with some game film.

fantastic movie

picked up Devil at the redbox on a free promo code. I forgot about this movie but remember liking the trailer. from the mind of M. Night is usually a lot better than directed by M. Night.
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WolverineMike;1884124; said:
Hot Rod..........I don't know why, but this movie cracks my shit up. It's gat dam hilarious.

"I needed to think about last night. So I galloped into a wooded glen, and after punch-dancing out my rage and suffering an extremely long and very painful fall, I realized what has to be done."

LOL dude the first time I watched that movie we rented it and I thought "omg this is going to be so awful" and now it's a classic for me. Funny shit every time.


reading those now will make this day of work faster.
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Finally watched the alternate ending for I am Legend. Did not see that coming. I liked it a lot.

Finally watched Kingdom of Heaven (bought it 5 or 6 months ago). Long, gonna have to set aside some serious time if you plan to watch it. Thought the movie was quite good, though I'm not very knowledgeable of the history of the Crusades. I'm assuming there was a lot of Hollywoodization of the history. Some big, epic battle scenes. I always wonder how they can have so many moving parts in these huge battle scenes without anyone getting hurt for real. Especially when there are hundreds of people on horseback.

Some movie called Knowing. Nickolas Cage. Pretty good movie until the ending. I thought the ending sucked.

Bought Valkyrie also. Thought Tom Cruise didn't suck (pleasantly surprised). I really liked the movie even though I knew how it would end (obviously). And even with knowing the ending, I found myself thinking "they may pull this off!" hehe.
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