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I'd never heard of it before but stumbled across it in the library.

Ed Norton x2, Keri Russel, Richard Drefuss, Susan Sarandon & Tim Blake Nelson (who also wrote & directed) & Steve motherfuckin' Earle?!? (It also has Danny Devito's daughter & Rose from 2 1/2 Men).

Hell yeah I'll take a look.

Really fun little indy film...they even quote some Walt Whitman (I wonder how many people who saw the film saw that connection in the title?).
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New Clash of the Titans. It was free on demand and I wanted something loud to try to fall asleep to, since my neighbors are fucking worthless and like playing techno music at 6 AM. /rant

Also caught the end of Memento tonight. I need to give that movie another watch.
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Magua;1891104; said:
Might be greatest ever would generally indicate being at/near the top :)

Well, technically you said "might be" "one of", whereas "one of" indicates at/near the top, therefore you were saying that the character "might be" at/near the top indicating that there is a possibility that said character "is not" at/near the top where conversely I was saying that there shouldn't be a "might be" clause as the character "is" easily at/near the top.

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