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The Madness of King George (1994) - If you liked The King's Speech, then you will probably like this as well, as the plot is similar (British royal with "incurable" condition is cured by an alternative doctor/quack), and the cast is excellent and very British (Nigel Hawthorne as George III, Helen Mirren as his queen, Ian Holm as the "doctor", plus Amanda Donahoe, Rupert Graves, Rupert Everett, Julian Wadham, Anthony Calf, etc....). Throughout the movie, Hawthorne is *this close* to being over the top, but he manages to maintain credibility from start to finish in this bravura performance.

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NFBuck;1892659; said:
For 90 minutes of stupid, mindless humor...absolutely.

'The Fighter'...good, not great...I was expecting more after all of the hype...7/10

That's fair.

I rate movies on overall quality, rather than pure entertainment value...so seeing an 8/10 for Jackass is a "lol, wut?" moment for me.
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Valhalla Rising

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQgoGccHJD4"]YouTube - 'Valhalla Rising' Trailer HD[/ame]

Bad guy from Casino Royale, never says a word.
Drawn out.

At the end it represented 2 hours of my life I am not getting back.
I give it a 6/10
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Yesterday I saw "Paul". It was very good. Not Shaun of the Dead good, but I'll give it an 8/10. It also had a great cast, especially if you like Arrested Development (Tambor, Bateman) and SNL (Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader). I was concerned about it being cheesy, due to the Meatballs 2 like alien, but overall I was pleasantly surprised.
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