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On Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

DubCoffman62;1875238; said:
I saw it when it was in theaters, I never understood the appeal.

On The Shawshank Redemption

DubCoffman62;1875665; said:
I liked that movie a lot but but after about the 5th time I found it to be quite annoying.

On The Social Network

DubCoffman62;1851403; said:
...I had low expectations but it was very entertaining.

Now, I'm not usually the kind to pass judgment on someone's taste in movies.
(I usually annihilate it to the point of oblivion.)
With that said, by your last three posts, I'm crossing you off my list of people I'd trust to give me a review of a film I have not seen.
(...and by that I mean you've lost all credibility as a human being.)
That doesn't, by any means, suggest that you should stop posting in this thread, however.
(It demands it.)
That is all.
(I'm mostly just kidding.)
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Ip Man - Great kung fu fighting scenes, and was not aware when I started it that it was based on actual events.

The Machinist - It was OK. Kind of slow, but still a good mind bender. Christian Bale looks like he starved himself for a year to play that role, though.
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buxfan4life;1878057; said:
The Machinist - It was OK. Kind of slow, but still a good mind bender. Christian Bale looks like he starved himself for a year to play that role, though.
bale wanted to lose something like 20 more pounds but the director told him not to. his level of dedication is amazing and sickening.

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buxfan4life;1878057; said:
Ip Man - Great kung fu fighting scenes, and was not aware when I started it that it was based on actual events.

The Machinist - It was OK. Kind of slow, but still a good mind bender. Christian Bale looks like he starved himself for a year to play that role, though.

Ip Man- The sequel goes into how he became Bruce Lee's instructor. (haven't seen it yet) from what I recall it has to do with trading dance lessons for Wing Chun lessons.

Christian Bale went from that to Batman in an insane amount of time. He maybe an ass, but man is he dedicated.
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Ambitious allegory on how developed nations' (United States, Japan) interference with the affairs of developing nations (Mexico, Morocco) leads to bad consequences for the exploited while the imperialists escape relatively unscathed.

The difference between the two worlds can best be seen in the contrasting dance scenes: one from a simple, humble, traditional Mexican wedding where eternal love is celebrated with family and friends ... the other from a chaotic, decadent, hellish Japanese disco, complete with discordant music and disorienting strobe lights, where sex and drugs are indulged with strangers.

Some striking images, many travelogue shots; lots of tension and tragedy; the main flaw - it is overlong by at least half an hour due to an unecessary subplot concerning a Japanese girl; also the handheld camera can become annoying and intrusive at times.

Rating: 7.5/10
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