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Muck;1871162; said:

More of a road flick than a giant monsters flick...but I liked it.

So glad you reminded me of this. I just watched it and thought it was excellent. If only movies like this got the attention they deserved..
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Trolljegeren/The Troll Hunter - Saw it in the theater a few months back and just picked it up on DVD. Loved it.

Students trying to do a documentary on modern bear poachers find their subject is actually hunting much bigger game.

It was entirely shot with a hand held cam. So a word of warning for those who can't stand that perspective.
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Finally saw Secretariat last night. I mean, it was decent...I think Roger Ebert slobbered all over this one a bit too much, but it was decent. I guess the thing that limited it for me was that every character was either an angel or a complete flaming asshole...that is quite a bit too black and white for me for a historical biopic of any kind, even a "feel good" one. I thought Seabiscuit was much better.

Also the wife wanted to watch a romance story last night...so we compromised on Walk the Line again. I really enjoyed that flick...hard to have more complex characters than that, and the acting was good.
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Incidentally the one I can't wait to watch again when I find the time is Jodorowsky's quintissential masterpiece Santa Sangre, which is FINALLY available on Blu-Ray/DVD and being incognito for the better part of 20+ years. I have my hands on a copy already.
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