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Finally watched Blade Runner for the first time. Wasn't what I expected at all. For when it was put out, I will admit it was visually stunning, but overall, I was disappointed. I was expecting some sort of action/sci fi/thriller; but for the most part, I found myself bored most of the time. Harrison Ford was pretty good, and Sean Young played a good robot, but it fell short of my expectations.
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3074326;1871868; said:
The Hurt Locker

For the life of me I can't understand all the hype given to The Hurt Locker.

WolverineMike;1871874; said:
I was expecting some sort of action/sci fi/thriller

Blade Runner was always intended to be modern film noir. The studio didn't do a very good job of advertising that back in the day, but it should have entered the film going gestalt by now (not knocking you btw just thinking out loud).
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Watched Whatever Happened to Baby Jane last night on TCM...man that shit is creepy...as...fuck. Awesome movie with some of the best acting by Betti Davis I have ever seen. She and Crawford absolutely hated each other and it showed all movie long...in a good way.
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