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Saw the Millenium series (Dragon Tattoo, Fire, Hornets Nest) over the past couple of days. Really good story line that that ties them all together.

This trilogy will be hacked to death if an American version is made since some of the graphic scenes that are essential to the story will be toned down for the American overly sensitive audience.

I am just wondering one thing, how did Steve Spurrier have time to learn a new language and star in Sweedish films? :biggrin:
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Watched Buried last night. I found my attention lapsing a bit in the middle, but then it pulled me back. I thought it started strong, and ended strong, but the middle was a bit lagging. For a movie where you're only focused on one actor on the screen for the whole time, I thought Ryan Reynolds did a really good job. He isn't what I would consider a "great" actor, but he played this roll really well.

also watched Tombstone, again, the other night on AMC. 5/5 as always..........The scene with Billy Bob Thorton is so great. "Go ahead, skin it.....skin that smoke wagon and see what happens. skin it!....you gonna do something or just stand there and bleed?"
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buxfan4life;1868199; said:
Saw the Millenium series (Dragon Tattoo, Fire, Hornets Nest) over the past couple of days. Really good story line that that ties them all together.

This trilogy will be hacked to death if an American version is made since some of the graphic scenes that are essential to the story will be toned down for the American overly sensitive audience.

I am just wondering one thing, how did Steve Spurrier have time to learn a new language and star in Sweedish films?

I thought the second movie was very choppy, especially compared to the books. I was actually kind of disappointed in it. Hope the third is better.

But I also thought the books did not get better. You could tell the author fell in love with his title character and turned her into some kind of uberfrau.

As far as the graphic nature of the books... the movie is directed by David Fincher who did direct se7en. Not exactly a timid flick, so there is hope.
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3074326;1869373; said:
American Psycho

First time I'd seen it, thought it was pretty great.

NFBuck;1869393; said:
Don't know if you're much of a reader, but if you are, check out the novel...much better than the movie although I thought they did a pretty good adaptation.

Agree, the book was fantastic. The fact that he dedicates an entire section of the book to his affinity for music is amazing. Slightly creepy and out there, but awesome nonetheless.

Rented Dinner For Schmucks and The Other Guys...didn't care for either, although they both had some funny parts.
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scooter1369;1870515; said:
Finally watched "The Dark Knight"

not impressed

Overall, I only enjoyed the movie when Ledger was onscreen as Joker. Those were the most memorable scenes IMO. Shame what happened to him because that was the best Joker ever IMO. Nothing is more annoying than Bale's smokers hack Batman voice.
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I saw that "Deerhunter was on DirecTV so i recorded it and hav'nt watched that movie in years. I wasn't a part of Vietnam as far as being there but the
"Russian Roulette" thing was really something and i wonder if all that was really true or was it just part of the movie that was added in to make it look
more dramatic than it was. It was really a sad movie to watch but great acting though.
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