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WolverineMike;1871874; said:
Finally watched Blade Runner for the first time. Wasn't what I expected at all. For when it was put out, I will admit it was visually stunning, but overall, I was disappointed. I was expecting some sort of action/sci fi/thriller; but for the most part, I found myself bored most of the time. Harrison Ford was pretty good, and Sean Young played a good robot, but it fell short of my expectations.
One of my favorite movies of all time. "...all those memories gone...like - tears - in the rain....Time to die."

I can't fathom how a person could not love it.
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Many here haven't seen the "classic" movies like "Baby Jane" or "North By Northwest". There has been too much emphasis on slasher/zombie films and not thought provoking, truly chilling cinema. One of my favs is.............
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6hen06IM70&feature=related"]YouTube - The manchurian candidate (John Frankenheimer, 1962) [ www.peepingtom.it ][/ame]
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MaxBuck;1870743; said:


Nobody can just stare into space and get paid like George..it's an artform..there was absolutely nothing in the middle(bulk of the movie) to warrant it being produced..nada...some great countryside shots though
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Blue Valentine. To put it simply, it sucked. It got good reviews on rotten tomatoes, like 88% fresh, it said it was depressing but the acting was brilliant. I can do depressing but this wasn't depressing, it was annoying. Neither of the two were likable and even in the flashbacks there was never any great romance, more like a fling and she got knocked up. I totally don't understand the appeal here. To each his own I guess.
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Inglourious Basterds - Well, firstly, I enjoy watching movies, not reading them. Turned it off after an hour. And Brad Pitt needs to die in a fire. He makes Keanu Reeves look like a master thespian. I vowed never to watch another movie of his after seeing his abortion of a performance in "Troy" a couple years ago. I am renewing those vows. I swear you could see a better performance at the local high school's production of Olive Twist.

On the schedule for tomorrow is "Valkyrie". Starring another master thespian. Hopefully he doesn't suck, because I really want "Valkyrie" to be good...
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In honor of Crump's Brother:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuPtrBufy5Q"]YouTube - The Stoned Age 1994 Trailer (The Stöned Age)[/ame]

My wife is still pissed at me for subjecting her to this. :biggrin: Payback for all those damned Kathrine Heigl movies.
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