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Competently done but doesn't bring anything to the table that the original didn't (and which I still prefer). There is no real reason for this movie to exist outside of the general laziness of Hollywood & their belief that American movie goers aren't capable of watching foreign films.

Also a class full of kids tromping through the woods to play ice hockey on a local pond just doesn't ring true when it's in freakin' New Mexico.
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Muck;1875638; said:

Competently done but doesn't bring anything to the table that the original didn't (and which I still prefer). There is no real reason for this movie to exist outside of the general laziness of Hollywood & their belief that American movie goers aren't capable of watching foreign films.

Also a class full of kids tromping through the woods to play ice hockey on a local pond just doesn't ring true when it's in freakin' New Mexico.
Have you ever been to northern New Mexico? Lots of high country, lots of cold and snow.
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