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Inglourious Basterds...agree with everyone's sentiment. Hands down the best of the year for me. I love the way Tarantino set the tone of the story in this one. I felt this was slightly more linear than his others but it didn't matter. Christoph Waltz's character was great. He was sinister and cruel and I knew I was going to despise him. I'm not sure if people will agree with me here but the way his character made me feel was up there with how Louise Fletcher's Nurse Ratched made me feel from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. I hated Nurse Ratched and I hated Col. Landa.

4 1/2 Stars
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NextBuck;1521579; said:
Ok I will talk about the movie I've just seen below, but I have a quick question to my fellow movie buffs:

Should I:

A) Get the entire Stanley Kubrick Collection on DVD for 30 bucks (7 movies)
B) Buy them all separately on Blu Ray over a span of a couple months because they are 20 bucks a pop?

Last movie I saw was Inglorious Basterds. Great movie, but the first part was f**king epic... The first part is some of the best 20 mins I've ever spent in a movie theater. The rest of the movie is good, but that part is SPECTACULAR.
Where did you find the 7-for-$30 deal? I'd take that in a heartbeat.
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Rob Zombie should not be allowed to produce, write, or direct ANY future movie, in any country...ever.

I was something of a fan of the original two. This one was just retarded. On top of having numerous plot holes. The violence was (can't believe I"m saying this) so far over the fucking top it was unneccessary at times.

The language, was a typical zombie movie with your white trash cliche's.

The suspense, little - couple small jumps here and there. On top of that, the whole "Mom" thing - dumbest idea ever. He took a base for a truely scary character and made an even shittier movie than the first. Kudos Rob, I didnt think you could do it.

- I'm asking for my $7.75 back :(
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Buckeneye;1524539; said:

Rob Zombie should not be allowed to produce, write, or direct ANY future movie, in any country...ever.

I was something of a fan of the original two. This one was just retarded. On top of having numerous plot holes. The violence was (can't believe I"m saying this) so far over the fucking top it was unneccessary at times.

The language, was a typical zombie movie with your white trash cliche's.

The suspense, little - couple small jumps here and there. On top of that, the whole "Mom" thing - dumbest idea ever. He took a base for a truely scary character and made an even shittier movie than the first. Kudos Rob, I didnt think you could do it.

Saw 'Inglorious Basterds' again last night with the old lady. That is my favorite movie of the year by far. The actor that played Col. Landa needs Oscar gold...he was incredible. One of the best villains ever IMO.

- I'm asking for my $7.75 back :(

I enjoyed the first remake, but it didn't leave me with any desire to see this. I did really like 'House of 1,000 Corpses' and 'The Devil's Rejects'.

Saw 'Inglorious Basterds' again last night, this time with the old lady. My favorite movie of the year by a wide margin. The actor that played Colonel Landa needs Oscar gold...one of the most vile movie villians ever IMO.
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Taosman;1525199; said:
"District 9" The critics love it which means it must truly suck. But did it?
It was interesting. Kind of an "Alien Nation" rip-off.
And those that took their 6 year olds to see it....
WTF were you thinking? :shake:
Parents are, by and large, morons. Several brought young kids (5-8 yo) to see 'Watchmen' when I saw that in the theatre.
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