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Interesting presentation, predictable story. 7/10

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District 9.

Pretty kick ass movie, and the fiance' liked it too. They packed a lot of stuff into a little under two hours, but the movie didn't feel rushed. They just cut out a lot of the garbage that usually goes with your blockbuster, and the entire movie consisted of a relevant storyline, and fast moving action scenes.

The special effects were so good, that it didn't seem like there were any special effects. The ship hanging over the city looked like part of the landscape, the aliens looked real, and the action scenes didn't have any video game look to them.
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IronBuckI;1517393; said:
District 9.

Pretty kick ass movie, and the fiance' liked it too. They packed a lot of stuff into a little under two hours, but the movie didn't feel rushed. They just cut out a lot of the garbage that usually goes with your blockbuster, and the entire movie consisted of a relevant storyline, and fast moving action scenes.

The special effects were so good, that it didn't seem like there were any special effects. The ship hanging over the city looked like part of the landscape, the aliens looked real, and the action scenes didn't have any video game look to them.

The little fighting creature things were the only things that I thought looked CGI'd. Aside from that.. nothing.
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BB73;1516774; said:
I Love You, Man

Very funny movie - it cracked me up several times. Paul Rudd is on a streak of funny movies.

+1 Great all-around cast (JK Simmons and Andy Samberg were a funny father-son combo), lots of funny lines/moments, struck the right balance of comedy and drama without getting too raunchy or too sappy.
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BuckeyeMac;1516539; said:
Anyone see GI Joe yet?
Saw it this weekend with the kids. I was a bit disappointed.

To be fair, I grew up with the action figures and always watched the cartoons and even read the comic books. I know much of the original back story, and they did change quite a bit of it. Most of my dislikes are pretty petty, such as the Baroness not talking with an Eastern European accent or that they had super suits that rivaled Iron Man's suit. I also felt some of the newer twists were both good and bad (at the same time).

If you're not very familiar with the original GI Joe storyline and like movies with lots of action and explosions and don't take plots too seriously, then this should be a decent movie for you. I'd probably rank it a little below the first Transformers movie, but pretty similar in terms of a story line.

A couple of teenaged guys sat behind us and really seemed to enjoy the movie. My 7 year old son thought it was pretty good, but his 6 year old buddy thought it was a bit scary (too much fighting for him). It was a lot of non-stop action with lots of special effects and the explosions were very loud in the theater.
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The International... 3.5/5.

Strong filmography, typical conspiracy plot, entertaining but run of the mill.

Watched the first 10 minutes of Epic Movie wondering how horrible it was... how does someone get paid to make trash like that?
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