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Lane Kiffin (HC Ole/Young Miss & Twitter Troll King)

What Street Name Will Knoxville Give in Honor of Lane Kiffin's Hiring?

  • Lane Kiffin Lane

    Votes: 17 20.0%
  • Lane Kiffin Street

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lane Kiffin Boulevard

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Lane Kiffin Circle

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Lane Kiffin Avenue

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Kiffin Lane

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • I don't know, but I'd shag his wife

    Votes: 33 38.8%

  • Total voters
"Kiffin won't leave" thread from Volnation is Gold Jerry, gold...

One of my fav quotes:

His basic jackassetry has been on display for a long time; the only
question was whether we were willing to put up with having an a-hole as
a coach in order to win football games. Many of us were. And personally,
I still am. Saban's an ass of the highest order and I'd sell my baby
daughter to get him in Knoxville.
Upvote 0
USC seem to crave bad publicity, and Kiffin seems like an uber-douche. One year in the SEC during which he makes an ass of himself (and enemies of the other coaches) and then he runs back to a program that the NCAA may finally be working up the cajones to crack down on!
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Gatorubet;1642126; said:
Meyer and his wife were sitting together at the UF-KY basketball game, and the only good thing to happen in the O-Dome was when a laughing Urban was observed making "U" "T" signals up to Jeremy Foley in the Athletic Dept skybox. :rofl:

Merry Christmas, Gator! As amused as I am by this turn of events, I can only imagine your level of ecstasy. :slappy:
Upvote 0
Does Tommy Davidson (In Living Color) doing Sugar Ray Leonard remind anyone else of Lane Kiffin when he talks? The way he hesitates, his eye brows, tone of voice?

Maybe its just me

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isrOxdkjaOA]YouTube - Tommy Davidison's Sugar Ray Leonard Impersonation[/ame]
Upvote 0
Bucky Katt;1642219; said:
Merry Christmas, Gator! As amused as I am by this turn of events, I can only imagine your level of ecstasy. :slappy:
Is it really "ecstasy"? I'm sure there's some initial joy in the humor of the situation, but once you sit back and evaluate, it would be like us losing DickRod...only, maybe, on a bigger level due to his propensity to run his mouth.
Upvote 0
NFBuck;1642226; said:
Is it really "ecstasy"? I'm sure there's some initial joy in the humor of the situation, but once you sit back and evaluate, it would be like us losing DickRod...only, maybe, on a bigger level due to his propensity to run his mouth.
The general consensus is that Lane leaving is good for UT, so while it is a short term joy watching the orange creamsicle clad Lulu and Juniors melt down before out eyes, the joy is tempered by the fact that the Vols will likely get a much better coach long term, and avoid the serious penalties that Lane and Orgeron would have led them into.

Very much a RichRod kind of deal. While it is good Lane was at UT - a big rival - it was [censored]ty having him in the conference. We feel more joy beating a Saban than an assclown. Beating a prestigious program with a top tier coach is far more satisfying than winning a game over a dysfunctional ass-clown led team, when you get down to it. I think that way anyway.
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NFBuck;1642226; said:
Is it really "ecstasy"? I'm sure there's some initial joy in the humor of the situation, but once you sit back and evaluate, it would be like us losing DickRod...only, maybe, on a bigger level due to his propensity to run his mouth.

Lane's and idiot and a jackass, but he can recruit and the team seemed to be improved over where it was. If UT had gone 3-9 this season, I'd definitely agree.

Plus, with him bailing rather than UT canning him, I gotta figure they'll hire another douchebag.
Upvote 0
Bucky Katt;1642234; said:
Lane's and idiot and a jackass, but he can recruit and the team seemed to be improved over where it was. If UT had gone 3-9 this season, I'd definitely agree.

Plus, with him bailing rather than UT canning him, I gotta figure they'll hire another douchebag.

So you're saying RichRod to UT???
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