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Lane Kiffin (HC Ole/Young Miss & Twitter Troll King)

What Street Name Will Knoxville Give in Honor of Lane Kiffin's Hiring?

  • Lane Kiffin Lane

    Votes: 17 20.0%
  • Lane Kiffin Street

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lane Kiffin Boulevard

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Lane Kiffin Circle

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Lane Kiffin Avenue

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Kiffin Lane

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • I don't know, but I'd shag his wife

    Votes: 33 38.8%

  • Total voters
TDG;1642103; said:
This whole thing is just infinitely hilarious. Tennessee's supposed savior has left them with nothing but a bunch of violations, and their students are rioting in the streets. PC has escaped to Seattle (where he'll undoubtedly be a hilarious failure) before the NCAA hammer comes down on USC. And USC has hired a man who once seriously tried a 70 yard field goal in a real game. Not as a joke. :rofl:

This has been a great three months or so of college football.

You cant say Al Davis didnt warn them.
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KingLeon;1642118; said:
LOL Lane Kiffin is a douche. I hope they get Gruden. Gruden will get all those Tennessee players back, and hopefully go steal some from USC as well. Gruden as an alum has to be pretty pissed off right now.


Fuck Tennesse (no offense orangepeel). They were dumb enough to hire the douchebag in the first place.

Give 'em Dick Rod and let 'em choke on it.

"Accidentally" had only illegal length cleats my ass.

And I hope USC gets the Death Penalty after Kiffin gets there.

I'm sure there are plenty of Vols who would be happy to include Kiffin & Co in on that sentence.
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Go to bed (REALLY early last night) and look what happens.

You have to be kidding me.

Orgeron is the biggest scum bag of all of them. Talk about a hired gun. With everything that has been going on at USC they hire this clown?

Well played Trojans, well played! :biggrin:
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BuckTwenty;1642122; said:

Has it even occured to ANY of those guys (Kiffin/Kiffin/Orgeron) that maybe, just maybe, some of those early enrollees might have chosen Tennessee because of Tennessee and not because of the guys recruiting them? The former coaching staff is taking sleeziness and arrogance to a whole 'nother level. That's straight-up back-stabbing the program that they "cared for so much".

And has anyone ever heard of a coach telling a player NOT to go to class?? That's gotta be a 1st...

Obviously you don't remember the Robert Smith/Elliot Uzelac fiasco back in 1991. :(
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And most SC fans are calling this a "genius" hire?

Lane Kiffin: a lightweight for USC's heavyweight program
    • The former Tennessee coach is a poor choice by Trojans A.D. Mike Garrett.
By Bill Plaschke January 13, 2010

What was Mike Garrett thinking?

This question, of course, is based on the large and dangerous assumption that he was actually thinking.

On the contrary, in handing his heavyweight USC football team to lightweight Lane Kiffin on Tuesday, Garrett has seemingly lost his mind.
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The Ed Orgeron bullshit with the recruits might be the sleaziest shit I've ever heard. I wish burning pee on all these guys...not because I'm a fan of UT at all, just because it's fucking disgusting. Telling people not to go to class? Come on...
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Kiffin weasels out at Tennessee, lands in Hollywood

Peter Schrager is a frequent contributor for FOXSports.com.

Updated Jan 13, 2010 4:28 AM ET
Though some in Hollywood would likely insist ?Gladiator?, ?Young Einstein? or ?A Beautiful Mind? work just fine, perhaps the most appropriate title for the Lane Kiffin-to-USC saga is one that serves as a tribute to Pauly Shore?s fine film career, as well: ?The Weasel.?

In Los Angeles, of course, Kiffin?s twisted, shotgun Odyssey from Knoxville to Southern California will be labeled part romance, part caper film, part action thriller. Toss in his father Monte and longtime former USC assistants Ed Orgeron, and possibly Norm Chow, and you can even make it a buddy film. Think ?Wild Hogs? without any comedy whatsoever and a tutorial on the Tampa 2 defense. Incorporate Kiffin?s smoking hot wife Layla (played by herself, naturally), and you have a fine leading lady, too. It?s a script any Hollywood studio exec worth his salt would die for.

In the Rocky Top hills of Tennessee, though, it?s a horror flick; a slasher film. A man (perhaps ?boy? would be the better word choice) comes riding into town, muddies a long-standing tradition with brash un-Fulmer-like bravado, fields a team of criminals, and then deserts the premises for greener pastures when a better opportunity presents itself.

If Pete Carroll left USC in a state of uncertainty, Lane Kiffin is leaving Tennessee in a state of rubble and shrapnel. And if Carroll?s a ?worm? for leaving the Trojans high and dry, Lane Kiffin?s a snake of the highest order. As of Tuesday night, that snake was on a plane to La La Land.
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