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Lane Kiffin (HC Ole/Young Miss & Twitter Troll King)

What Street Name Will Knoxville Give in Honor of Lane Kiffin's Hiring?

  • Lane Kiffin Lane

    Votes: 17 20.0%
  • Lane Kiffin Street

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lane Kiffin Boulevard

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Lane Kiffin Circle

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Lane Kiffin Avenue

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Kiffin Lane

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • I don't know, but I'd shag his wife

    Votes: 33 38.8%

  • Total voters
Gatorubet;1642229; said:
Very much a RichRod kind of deal. While it is good Lane was at UT - a big rival - it was [censored]ty having him in the conference. We feel more joy beating a Saban than an assclown. Beating a prestigious program with a top tier coach is far more satisfying than winning a game over a dysfunctional ass-clown led team, when you get down to it. I think that way anyway.

In theory I agree that beating a prestigious program with a top tier coach can be more satisfying.

In practice (as it pertains to scUM and DickWad), when the followers of a program are arrogant ass-clowns, then when their team becomes a "dysfunctional ass-clown led team", well the satisfaction can be even greater....at least in the short term.

If only OSU could have had ND on the schedule the past 2 years.....giving 2 arrogant ass-clown driven fan bases beatings, where their teams were "dysfunctional ass-clown led teams".....
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This. (from Pete Fiutak, CFN)

Scout.com: CFN Analysis - Lane Kiffin Taking Over USC

But the only problem is that Kiffin hasn?t exactly set the world on fire. Has any coach gotten so many premier jobs without doing anything?

Sure, he was a great coordinator for the Trojans, but he went 5-15 for the Oakland Raiders and managed to outweird Al Davis on the way out. That showing in the pros was enough to get him one of the top head coaching jobs in college football, Tennessee, and showed nice promise leading the way to a 7-6 season finished up by a blowout loss to Virginia Tech in the Chick-fil-A Bowl.

12-21. That?s his record, and now he?s going to a place that will be grouchy if he doesn?t come up with 12 wins next year.
Also, Matt Zemek finally says something succinctly. He should've stopped here though:

1) Tennessee fans, learn your lesson: If a man walks like an idiot and talks like an idiot and quacks like an idiot, he?s an idiot.
Zemek might have also been talking about Dan Greenspan:

USC is better off than they were on Friday, when the coach of the last decade, one of the best in college football history was running the program.

The 2000’s belonged to USC, but even that run was filled with what might have been moments – Texas, 13-9, Tavita Pritchard, Quizz Rodgers. That the Trojans only won two national championships gnawed at Carroll and those around Heritage Hall.

If Lane and co. deliver on the promise of this night, the 2010’s could be the next USC dynasty, continued in crystal.
Apparently Greenspan has no idea what comeuppance looks like. If Lane Kiffin ever stays in one place long enough he might finally get to see it. Also, he apparently doesn't know how to count or doesn't know what National Championships look like either.
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Gatorubet;1642247; said:
seriously, check out these quotes people
In February of 2009, just a few months after Lane Kiffin's tenure began at the University of Tennessee, Vols senior center Josh McNeil walked into the Neyland-Thompson sports complex on the university campus. He paused alongside the Vols 1998 national championship trophy and shook his head in disbelief.

"They'd replaced our highlight video from the past season with Reggie Bush, Matt Leinart, and Dwayne Jarrett from USC. I was like, 'Man, I know we were 5-7 last year, but this is Tennessee. Right beside our national title trophy? Come on, man.'"

Walking up the stairs, McNeil, a 6-foot-4 280 pound offensive lineman, says that all the televisions in the complex, at least 20, were tuned to still photos of stellar plays featuring USC athletes. In particular, McNeil paused in front of one photo of Reggie Bush diving into the end zone on a sunlit California field.

"I was thinking, 'Damn, Jamal Lewis went here. Travis Henry went here. It ain't like we never had any running backs of our own.'"

Within a day the pictures and video were down, but the message had been sent. A new era had dawned in Knoxville.
A few months later after witnessing what McNeil said he believed were affronts to the Tennessee tradition that upset him, the player confronted Kiffin. "Coach," he said, "I feel like you're intentionally not embracing UT's traditions."

Kiffin smirked. "Well, whatever Tennessee's been doing isn't working anymore, so we're coming up with something new. Get used to it."

When Kiffin said, "something new," he meant exactly what USC had already done before, McNeil told FanHouse. Multiple team sources confirmed McNeil's claims.
By Junior Day, March 2, 2009, Kiffin had his first crop of potential players, hundreds of then-high school juniors on Tennessee's campus.

The players were divided between offense and defense and placed in front of highlight videos that were designed to show them the Tennessee way of playing football.

As the offensive players sat down on the field, a video flashed on the screen with a word in bold:


McNeil watched. "I was thinking, maybe we're going to see Dan Williams block against Kentucky that got us into the SEC championship game (in 2007). That was a pretty huge play."

Instead a USC play featuring Reggie Bush opened the montage.

Another word flashed on the screen.


More USC highlights followed.

"All the way back to Carson Palmer," says McNeil. "I mean, really, Carson Palmer is explosive?"
"Damn, I felt like an idiot with my shirt off," McNeil says. "So did lots of the older guys."

But some of the younger players believed the chant was very cool, McNeil said. It fired them up.

At least it did until they realized that the "new chant" the UT coaching staff introduced to the players was a retread.

"It was a USC thing," McNeil says, "I took an official visit there. They used to say, 'SC', and the other side would say, 'wild boys.' They came to Tennessee and they changed SC to ST for special teams. How lame is that?"
"Damn, I felt like an idiot with my shirt off," McNeil says. "So did lots of the older guys."

But some of the younger players believed the chant was very cool, McNeil said. It fired them up.

At least it did until they realized that the "new chant" the UT coaching staff introduced to the players was a retread.

"It was a USC thing," McNeil says, "I took an official visit there. They used to say, 'SC', and the other side would say, 'wild boys.' They came to Tennessee and they changed SC to ST for special teams. How lame is that?"
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I can't understand what would compel the USC AD to do this.......a pre-emptive strike at the department because he knows he's going to take the fall for the shenanigans that went down under his "watch"?
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osugrad21;1642265; said:

I thought it was highly unethical to print news stories with false facts. I think it's called plagiarism.
But speaking of being unethical, Lane Kiffin can kiss my ass. As a UT alumn...
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Gatorubet;1642210; said:
"Kiffin won't leave" thread from Volnation is Gold Jerry, gold...

One of my fav quotes:

His basic jackassetry has been on display for a long time; the only
question was whether we were willing to put up with having an a-hole as
a coach in order to win football games. Many of us were. And personally,
I still am. Saban's an ass of the highest order and I'd sell my baby
daughter to get him in Knoxville.


I'm late to this party. That is pure gold indeed.

You truly cannot make that stuff up.
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Gatorubet;1642247; said:
Volunteer Sources Say Kiffin Never Embraced Tennessee -- NCAAFB FanHouse

Wow. I find this story amazing. The AD has to be breathing a sigh of relief. I bet the champagne corks were popping in the AD's Office when they got the word he was leaving. Kiffin bailing got Mike Hamilton out of the mess he made when he hired Kiffin.

Where was this story last spring? This is positively incredible. While Vol fans are justifiably upset about the instability, I agree that the UT administration has to be glad he's gone.

I'm reading that (linked) story with shock and disbelief. Douchebag isn't strong enough to describe Kiffin. As much as Vol fans define "jackassetry," it's not like Tennessee has zero tradition.
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