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Lane Kiffin (HC Ole/Young Miss & Twitter Troll King)

What Street Name Will Knoxville Give in Honor of Lane Kiffin's Hiring?

  • Lane Kiffin Lane

    Votes: 17 20.0%
  • Lane Kiffin Street

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lane Kiffin Boulevard

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Lane Kiffin Circle

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Lane Kiffin Avenue

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Kiffin Lane

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • I don't know, but I'd shag his wife

    Votes: 33 38.8%

  • Total voters
USC is better off than they were on Friday, when the coach of the last decade, one of the best in college football history was running the program.

The 2000?s belonged to USC, but even that run was filled with what might have been moments ? Texas, 13-9, Tavita Pritchard, Quizz Rodgers. That the Trojans only won two national championships gnawed at Carroll and those around Heritage Hall.

If Lane and co. deliver on the promise of this night, the 2010?s could be the next USC dynasty, continued in crystal.

Two crystal footballs? You sign on to the BCS format, you play 9 out of 10 bowl games in your own backyard and your SID, fanbase and the Media never seem to get the NC thing straight.

Only the winner of the BCS CG gets to call themselves the National Champ. Only the winner of the BCS CG gets the crystal trophy. I will give SC credit for winning their mythical NC on the road instead of the friendly confines of the Rose Bowl.
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When asked about the report that Orgeron had told the incoming freshmen to not attend class at Tennessee today, AD Hamilton said that it shows a lack of understanding of the rules. He said that if a student is enrolled in at least 12 hours of classes, and is on campus after 12:01 a.m. today, that student has matriculated to the University of Tennessee (thus the student couldn't go to USC without sitting out the fall of 2010).

When asked if he knew whether Orgeron was using a UT phone to make those alleged calls, he had no comment.

Edit - later on he said he hadn't talked to Orgeron, but that he considered it unethical.
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Gatorubet;1642247; said:
Volunteer Sources Say Kiffin Never Embraced Tennessee -- NCAAFB FanHouse

Wow. I find this story amazing. The AD has to be breathing a sigh of relief. I bet the champagne corks were popping in the AD's Office when they got the word he was leaving. Kiffin bailing got Mike Hamilton out of the mess he made when he hired Kiffin.

I was amused by this post-article comment:

"Lane Kiffin was a disgrace to the SEC and we are glad he is gone to the West Coast where he belongs. He knew nothing about the rules of the game and disrespected all the coaches in the SEC beginning with Urban Meyer who is the greatest person and coach we ever had. Good luck to all you Vol fans in finding a real coach. You deserve better! A Gator Fan!!!
A Gator Fan!!"

An SEC moral crusader! :slappy:
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This whole situation is a great recruiting tool for tOSU, let recruits know, unless you have deep roots like Tressel, your Coach could be here today and gone tomorrow, look at Lane and Petey, could it be Urban next time?
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starBUCKS;1642356; said:
This whole situation is a great recruiting tool for tOSU, let recruits know, unless you have deep roots like Tressel, your Coach could be here today and gone tomorrow, look at Lane and Petey, could it be Urban next time?

Well, but not if those roots grow really deep.

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starBUCKS;1642356; said:
This whole situation is a great recruiting tool for tOSU, let recruits know, unless you have deep roots like Tressel, your Coach could be here today and gone tomorrow, look at Lane and Petey, could it be Urban next time?

My fantasy: Suddenly the top recruits from TT, TN, FL & USC all speed dial the Vest & take us along for the ride to an undefeated NC next year.
Just a fantasy, about the mysterious workings of Karma.
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