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jlb1705;1743117; said:
The man won the TdF seven times with one ball. As an athlete, he would still have my respect.

Which is the unfortunate part.

Mark McGwire cheated relative to Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron. Relative to the rest of the cycling world Lance - more likely than not - just did what everyone else was doing. His performance was remarkable under any conditions.

But as for integrity. As for being a role model. As for the power of one's name.

That is gonna take a hit.
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Glad to see the Feds are, once again, focusing on the major problems facing this country. :roll2:

I can honestly say I don't give shit if he doped or not. Much like I don't give a damn about who used steroids in baseball. Cheating has been part of sports from day one.
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Folanator;1743160; said:
He cheated. He was the best at it. He won in the era when EVERYONE cheated. Therefore I don't think he cheated. Those were just the rules of the game in cycling.

Get over it.
A-Rod hit a bunch of homers cheating in an era when everyone was cheating.
McGwire did the same.....

just sayin.
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Yup, that's what I am saying.

Cycling has been dirty forever. The sport, and the rules of playing in the sport were dictated by the riders and the teams. They were ALL dirty.

The rule book is not who made the rules. The riders made the rules. It is a VER recent developement that the UCI and TDF has taken the sport back.

Therefore LA did not do anything out of the ordinary of the "true" rules of the sport.

I am not someone that thinks LA walks on water, is a cancer diety, is of higher consciousnees or is in line for the Dali Lama.

He is a genetic freek that was really good at sports and got cancer and had a good idea about some yellow arm bands.

Thats about it.
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basically unrelated to lance, i find one thing about these sorts of sports very interesting. they set caps on certain substances, etc. they "ban" the use of some substances, but only to the aforementioned cap using testing. then they seemed surprised that everyone is bellied right up to the cap, its nothing short of interesting to me...
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Oh8ch;1743388; said:
In the end it is always about the lie.

Ain't that the truth!

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