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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

genron187;1427072; said:
Blocking? Its not his fault, he cant go out there and block anyone. Got to get better players with a mean streak. LJ fits that mode, he's a miami player what else is there to expect. He's not nice on the field like Howard Sabino. I think OSU is missing that......its something called swagger. I think that word has been banned the last couple of years in Ohio

I say the exact same thing all of the time. And we're gonna have that mean streak.. Brewster, Adams, and Shugarts are nasty. They are going to be better next year than our o-line was this year, just on attitude and mean streak alone. Not to mention their talent.

LJ can bring that swagger back here. We had it but it dissappeared over the last few years, but I think it was because our team was weak mentally and didn't have that nasty mean attitude. I love it when teams play angry and just wanna plaster everyone. Terrelle is bringing that swagger back here too, I can feel it. He's not scared of no one.
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Well, just got back from the 7 on 7 tournament. Voice horse as heck. Had a ton of fun with all the players we had. The guys were great. They had more fun than they thought they ever had. It was a thrill. The teams were loaded and the competition was top notched. Yeah yeah we lost to a team we beat earlier in the tournament but our QB play was terrible. I mean terrible. We missed out on Godfrey and Bridgewater. The two we had were in over their heads. Small school guys who couldnt never played big time ball and couldn't take advantage of the best Wr crop there. Our D allowed the fewest amount of points in the tourney. Any points scored on us took a great play. Anywayz, the last game we scored only once, once in 7 on 7...thats terrible. 5 times there were guys wide open in the end zone and neither QB could read a D to save their lives.

Well about LJ play...1st off, i saw a guy Vgost or something like on scout saying he heard players saying LJ is not that good. Yeah some were saying it...but its b/c he was locking their butts down. Clearly the best DB there. Ask anyone who watched our games. Tony Grimes got one pass thrown his way all tournament. Every team and player came after LJ...every player played their best on every down. Remember 7 on 7 is an offensive drilll. Well, he only gave up 3 passes in two days with the best of the best gunning for him. 1 was an unbelieve play, one of the best I ever seen in person. I forgot the guy name from the Jacksonville team but this guy made a fantastic catch. It was a 40 yd fade with LJ running stride for stride. while both running full speed forward they jumped for the ball, i mean jumped they had to be atleast almost 4 ft off the ground, it looked like joyner knocked it down but the guy came down with it. I wished someone recorded that. Now after the catch while LJ was on the ground their whole team surrounded him talking about "you aint no 5 star, you overrated", and blah blah. Now note that was the only pass completed on him that whole game after trying the entire game. They kept throwing the ball over there trying to get a completion. They made a bunch of dang noise a couple of times b/c the Wr got off the line of scrimmage. wow big deal, but when your a 5 star other players hate on you and find and little thing to call you out. He got beat for the 2nd Td in our last game. He was overly aggressive and got beat on a top and go. Now note again, he got beat on the route but quickly recovered with his speed but the Wr adjusted to the ball well and made a great catch at the one. On the next play LJ jammed his butt and pushed him down. On the next drive the WR got a good release of the press and had a step on LJ. Called a cov 3 the next play and the palm beach team guys started stop crap saying oh he's scared now. After i heard that i said forget the cov 3 and press his tail, jam his butt up. LJ jammed that young so hard that it looked liked he got hit with a bowling ball. He jammed him twice in one play. YOung man quit running routes after that.
So overall I graded him a A/92% on the weekend. So other players can say what they want but when the pads come on....its another story. Cant none of them come close to what he does.
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genron187;1431193; said:
Well about LJ play...1st off, i saw a guy Vgost or something like on scout saying he heard players saying LJ is not that good. Yeah some were saying it...but its b/c he was locking their butts down. Clearly the best DB there. Ask anyone who watched our games. Tony Grimes got one pass thrown his way all tournament. Every team and player came after LJ...every player played their best on every down.

Yeah that was mentioned, but he put a disclaimer on it saying he never saw LJ's games, just that other kids were saying stuff like that. No doubt it's just because they're gunning for the one on top.
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I'm glad to hear people hating on him. From everything I've read, he is a kid that feeds off of that type of criticism and silences the critics every time. I saw his film, our coaches saw his film, the entire buckeye nation saw his film and everyone said "Woah!", that kid can ball. LJ is a beast, and he doesn't need to prove it to some haters at a 7 on 7 camp. Can't wait to watch him up here where they play UA.
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Against the Central Florida team, I saw LJ jump about...four feet off the ground. The ball was over both his and the WR...(Kenny Shaw?) heads, but man did he get up.

IMO, the best game of the entire tourney was Central Florida vs. SFX.
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genron187;1431193; said:
Well, just got back from the 7 on 7 tournament. Voice horse as heck. Had a ton of fun with all the players we had. The guys were great. They had more fun than they thought they ever had. It was a thrill. The teams were loaded and the competition was top notched. Yeah yeah we lost to a team we beat earlier in the tournament but our QB play was terrible. I mean terrible. We missed out on Godfrey and Bridgewater. The two we had were in over their heads. Small school guys who couldnt never played big time ball and couldn't take advantage of the best Wr crop there. Our D allowed the fewest amount of points in the tourney. Any points scored on us took a great play. Anywayz, the last game we scored only once, once in 7 on 7...thats terrible. 5 times there were guys wide open in the end zone and neither QB could read a D to save their lives.

Well about LJ play...1st off, i saw a guy Vgost or something like on scout saying he heard players saying LJ is not that good. Yeah some were saying it...but its b/c he was locking their butts down. Clearly the best DB there. Ask anyone who watched our games. Tony Grimes got one pass thrown his way all tournament. Every team and player came after LJ...every player played their best on every down. Remember 7 on 7 is an offensive drilll. Well, he only gave up 3 passes in two days with the best of the best gunning for him. 1 was an unbelieve play, one of the best I ever seen in person. I forgot the guy name from the Jacksonville team but this guy made a fantastic catch. It was a 40 yd fade with LJ running stride for stride. while both running full speed forward they jumped for the ball, i mean jumped they had to be atleast almost 4 ft off the ground, it looked like joyner knocked it down but the guy came down with it. I wished someone recorded that. Now after the catch while LJ was on the ground their whole team surrounded him talking about "you aint no 5 star, you overrated", and blah blah. Now note that was the only pass completed on him that whole game after trying the entire game. They kept throwing the ball over there trying to get a completion. They made a bunch of dang noise a couple of times b/c the Wr got off the line of scrimmage. wow big deal, but when your a 5 star other players hate on you and find and little thing to call you out. He got beat for the 2nd Td in our last game. He was overly aggressive and got beat on a top and go. Now note again, he got beat on the route but quickly recovered with his speed but the Wr adjusted to the ball well and made a great catch at the one. On the next play LJ jammed his butt and pushed him down. On the next drive the WR got a good release of the press and had a step on LJ. Called a cov 3 the next play and the palm beach team guys started stop crap saying oh he's scared now. After i heard that i said forget the cov 3 and press his tail, jam his butt up. LJ jammed that young so hard that it looked liked he got hit with a bowling ball. He jammed him twice in one play. YOung man quit running routes after that.
So overall I graded him a A/92% on the weekend. So other players can say what they want but when the pads come on....its another story. Cant none of them come close to what he does.

Thanks for the update. Sounds like he has got the "bullseye" on him now....people wanting to get the best of him.

That is a huge compliment if you ask me...:biggrin:
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I don't know about that, he's not even the highest ranked 5-star at the tournament. Team Palm Beach had 4 Rivals 100 guys, Matt Elam, Gerald Christian, Chris Dunkley, and DeJoshua Johnson. Pretty sure teams were gunning against them as well, and they won the tournament. The thing about QBs is probably true though. Rothman did really well for TPB, the QBs for SFX didn't really make any noise.
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