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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

And I not worried about him going up against Miami. If more FL ballers dont sign they are going to beat the pants off O-state again, and with our refs this time. but thats a 2010 story. Halla back in about a 1yr and 1/2.

I'm pretty sure the ACC refs might be the 2nd worst behind the Big XII so there is no "our" refs.
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dingyibvs;1427657; said:
I mean really, when's the last time you saw a defender lay a big hit and did NOT at least talk a little trash? Everybody talks, but only those who can also hit are the intimidators.

I recall seeing Jermale (spelling?) Hines lay the wood on a cat this past season. He just ran through them. Vernon did the same thing to Henne two seasons ago.
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muffler dragon;1427813; said:
I recall seeing Jermale (spelling?) Hines lay the wood on a cat this past season. He just ran through them. Vernon did the same thing to Henne two seasons ago.
Knocked him out of the game, which proved to be the worst play of the game :lol: (the backup came in and played his heart out - far better than the starter - and had Ohio out in front in the 4th).



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jwinslow;1427832; said:
Knocked him out of the game, which proved to be the worst play of the game :lol: (the backup came in and played his heart out - far better than the starter - and had Ohio out in front in the 4th).




That play happened right in front of me, my dad and my two boys. I think that all four of us winced... Bringing wood is one thing... bringing a semi-truck loaded with wood is what I saw on that play. Prolly one of the best hits I saw all year.

Obligatory LJ content: Wherever this young man lands, he'll be a difference maker from what I've seen. I sincerely look forward to him bringing a semi-truck loaded with wood wearing S&G.
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jwinslow;1427832; said:
Knocked him out of the game, which proved to be the worst play of the game :lol: (the backup came in and played his heart out - far better than the starter - and had Ohio out in front in the 4th).

That's right!!! Great pics, Josh!

And I would like to note that Hines didn't say a word; not one lick o' trash talk.
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