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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

fourteenandoh;1432313; said:
Eleven Warriors ? There are Power Programs and Then There is Deebo

?This one, they came like Deebo and they just came and knocked it out. That?s USC. How can you not consider them? I thought I had a top five all figured out and they came and knocked Tennessee to the curb.?

lol, now that was too funny. Man Tenn was texting 6:15 in the morning like what the !!!!!

"Dang, Tennessee just got knocked the f* out!"
Is what one poster wrote
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Originally Posted by genron187
i saw a guy Vgost or something like on scout saying he heard players saying LJ is not that good.

HotMic;1431435; said:
Don't be too shocked, it's pretty much the norm from him.


That goes back to the early days of this thread when local guys down here who have relations with the big 3 in Florida were telling me something similar. They said LJ had speed but not size, but I have seen LJ personally in a game deal with 6 foot + receivers with ease. These wiseguys didn't believe me at all. LJ dominated discussion we had with fellow Palmetto fans the week after we played Southwest, it went on for a full half. I had to focus on Berry and talk about LJ at the same time.

He'll be in the NFL one day and I will enjoy watching him on Sundays. :wink2:
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FSUSOM;1433346; said:
My comparison to Joyner would be Terrell Buckley.

Nev. Man you coming on here like that, you need to donate. Man you whats crazy, FSU fans be talkking to me like I have no clue whats going on. They are telling me he's a FSU lock at the end from their insiders...lol thats too funny.. i mean too funny. It almost makes them look kind of....anywayz. Going up UGA and fill you in. I guess he's a UGA lock as well.
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genron187;1433589; said:
Nev. Man you coming on here like that, you need to donate. Man you whats crazy, FSU fans be talkking to me like I have no clue whats going on. They are telling me he's a FSU lock at the end from their insiders...lol thats too funny.. i mean too funny. It almost makes them look kind of....anywayz. Going up UGA and fill you in. I guess he's a UGA lock as well.

I don't think he's a lock to anybody. It was just a comparison, he also looks like Winfield too.

Don't think I've ever seen anyone say LJ is an FSU lock. Then again, I'm not on Rivals.

He is the best prospect in the nation.
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Ohio State is going to have some dangerously good teams in the next few years. Lamarcus could help add to the teams and be a leader on some great Buckeye defenses. Going to be an exciting time in Buckeyeland!!
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Ohio State football: A Lamarcus Joyner recruiting update on Terrelle Pryor's OSU anniversary
by Doug Lesmerises
Thursday March 19, 2009

Wish your fellow Ohio State fans Happy Terrelle Pryor Day. It was one year ago today that Pryor made his final official announcement and signed his National Letter of Intent to attend Ohio State.

In honor of that, a quick recruiting story on a top 10 talent the Buckeyes are chasing for the Class of 2010.

Florida cornerback Lamarcus Joyner was just ranked as the No. 7 player in the country by Rivals.com and lists Ohio State as his leader at this point, with Alabama, USC, Florida and Florida State also in a top five. But he also called that top five "wishy-washy" and recently told a Georgia recruiting site that the Bulldogs had replaced USC in that group.

The Buckeyes were in early on Joyner, and though he's trying to narrow his field from among his 23 offers while still moving schools in and out of his list, Ohio State is maintaining his interest.

In an interview this week, Joyner said two of the things drawing him toward Columbus are Ohio State's history with defensive backs and his impression of safeties coach Paul Haynes.

"The first thing is how many DBs they produce," Joyner said. "And Coach Paul Haynes is a great guy. They made me feel real comfortable.

"I talked to Coach Haynes and of all the coaches at all the schools who talked to me, he talked to me for like an hour and 30 minutes about the great things Ohio State has to offer. Not only the football things they have to offer me, but like character building and stuff like that."

It doesn't hurt that Joyner plays at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Fort Lauderdale, the same school that just sent receiver Duron Carter to Ohio State. Joyner said he is friends with both Carter and incoming OSU freshman running Jaamal Berry.

Joyner is headed to Georgia this weekend, and another trip on his itinerary is Ohio State's spring game on April 25. Joyner believes he has a great ability to read people and thinks first-hand knowledge of a school and potential future teammates will tell him what he needs to know.

"I believe that will be a strong test to see where I'm at," Joyner said.

But, like Pryor, Joyner isn't planning on an early decision.

"I would like to take my time on it. Recruiting is going to be sweet. Everyone is trying to make you feel like you're at home, make you feel like a special person. And I want to get into it and take my visits," Joyner said.

Ohio State football: A Lamarcus Joyner recruiting update on Terrelle Pryor's OSU anniversary - Ohio State Buckeyes Football & Basketball Blog (OSU) - cleveland.com
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