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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

matcar;1610649; said:

One need look no further than the Boren's to realize that.
and Zach was a rare exception to that rule, he wept when Justin was about to verbal to OSU. For Justin to overcome that upbringing, and for Zach to favor OSU while Lloyd was still at UM... it shows that this is about more than partisanship. This is the most important decision of their life.
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westbuck04;1610519; said:
Read what again?

Genron is a nice guy, but he's not nearly as plugged in to LJ's recruitment as he leads people to believe. He's also not his uncle, nor any kind of blood relation. He's a family friend who likes to mess with people on the internet.

Wasn't Genron with LJ during his visit to Tennessee? The one that was on ESPN?

I'd say that if he's visiting with him, he's about as plugged in as someone can get.
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3074326;1610663; said:
Wasn't Genron with LJ during his visit to Tennessee? The one that was on ESPN?

I'd say that if he's visiting with him, he's about as plugged in as someone can get.
I think what some people are getting at is that Genron likes to play the internet game. A lot of kids do it and so do their mentors/advisors. It's nothing new, it's good business to keep things as interesting as possible, even if the proverbial cat has been let out of the bag...which may or may not be the case here.
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jwinslow;1610648; said:
Recruits and players rarely share the level of vitriol that us fans hold for our rivals.

matcar;1610649; said:

One need look no further than the Boren's to realize that.

jwinslow;1610654; said:
and Zach was a rare exception to that rule, he wept when Justin was about to verbal to OSU. For Justin to overcome that upbringing, and for Zach to favor OSU while Lloyd was still at UM... it shows that this is about more than partisanship. This is the most important decision of their life.

Fair enough, but the Boren situation (which I referenced in my initial post, BTW) is unique unto itself for a variety of reasons. Better examples would be Brandon Saine and Beanie claiming to have grown up Michigan fans, and then signing with tOSU. Nevertheless, Joyner was a fan, as opposed to a recruit, until recently. I know he's got to approach this as a business decision, but his lifelong admiration for FSU and, I would expect, countervailing disdain for UF has to at least be one factor considered in his decision making process. I would think . . . .
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Hey Ed, Florida has got to target Lemarcus Joyner from St. Thomas Aquinas! This kid is the best player on the number one team in the country, so shouldn?t he be looked at as a must have? Plays both sides of the ball on a very deep and talented team, which means he has to be a stud, right? Played over 80 snaps against Byrnes this year! The best player on the number one team in the country and all we can talk about is Chris Dunkley, Jeff Luc, and a bunch of wannabes in California?
? GatorJoe

There?s been a lot of talk about Joyner and his interest in Florida recently. The last time I spoke with him was before the season and he had little interest in the Gators because the staff wasn?t recruiting him as hard as he wanted. Things have certainly changed as the fall has progressed. Scout.com recently reported that Joyner is down to Florida and Ohio State, with Ohio State carrying a bit of a lead over the Gators. I know Joyner was really interested in the Gators over the summer, but when he didn?t get the attention he wanted, he shifted gears and Ohio State has been at or near the top of his list for a while. Florida has three cornerback prospects committed at the moment and are going very hard after Joyner?s teammate Cody Riggs. If Florida gets Riggs, I can almost assure that Joyner will look elsewhere. Why follow someone from your school who plays the same position? Joyner is probably a better overall prospect, who can play offense, defense and be a factor in the return game, but I just feel from what I?ve been told that Ohio State is the leader.

Ask Aschoff 12/2 – The Scout Leader - Gator Sports - Gainesville, FL - Archive
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leroyjenkins;1612553; said:
I think so. Up until this point most kids lives are planned out for them. Now they decide their own path. NFL, friends, future jobs, education, all depends on this decision.

I think that's a bit of a stretch. This isn't the most important decision in their lives, although this is one of the very big ones.

The most important decisions in lives usually don't come out in the format where you have years to decide, they're usually ones that require a quick decision, the type of guys you surround yourself with, if you listen to your parents and avoid trouble, etc.

But that's a side topic and a lesson to kids to listen to their parents :wink2:
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