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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

westbuck04;1610519; said:
Read what again?

Genron is a nice guy, but he's not nearly as plugged in to LJ's recruitment as he leads people to believe. He's also not his uncle, nor any kind of blood relation. He's a family friend who likes to mess with people on the internet.

He's saying that Genron and scout agreed. That's why he said read it again.
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westbuck04;1610519; said:
Read what again?

Genron is a nice guy, but he's not nearly as plugged in to LJ's recruitment as he leads people to believe. He's also not his uncle, nor any kind of blood relation. He's a family friend who likes to mess with people on the internet.

Are we talkin' about the same Genron who went on countless visits with LJ as the only adult chaperone?
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buchtelgrad04;1610536; said:
Are we talkin' about the same Genron who went on countless visits with LJ as the only adult chaperone?

Yeah, the same one who jwins and a few others from BP met up with on LJ's visit to C-bus for the spring game...as well as who has been seen with LJ on all recruiting visits...one and the same.

He knows nothing :roll2:
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genron187;1610454; said:
Come on man, didn't I tell that already? lol, man anywayz, I'll post an update. FSU is not out of it though

Ding, ding, ding!

As much as I know we all want FSU to be out of it, and as much as FSU wants OSU out of it.......both schools are going to be in it at the end.

ND was the school eliminated, not FSU. Just as long as he doesn't end up at UF, I don't think I could live with that!
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OhioState001;1610605; said:
About a week or two ago on scout you said they were out. Somethings fishy here. Maybe the guy on scout was an impostor.

Maybe an im-poster. :lol:

Hopefully it's FSU or Ohio State. Urban's a good recruiter but we can't go 0-fer against him. I think 6 Star can make an impact on offense, defense, and special teams...a role even more expansive than Ted Ginn as a freshman. :yow2:
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sepia5;1610291; said:
I just can't believe Joyner to UF, especially after Shaw already signed on there. I mean, it's one thing to decide your childhood favorite is too unstable to be a good choice for you. It's an entirely different thing to then sign with the school most despised by your childhood favorite. It would be like a prospect from Michigan that grew up a Michigan fan deciding between Michigan, Ohio State, and Oklahoma, eliminating Michigan because of the schenanigans going on there right now, and then picking tOSU over Oklahoma. Seems weird. Then again: Justin Boren.

Growing up an FSU fan doesn't mean you despise UF. It's not at all like tOSU/Skunkbear.
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matcar;1610631; said:
Growing up an FSU fan doesn't mean you despise UF. It's not at all like tOSU/Skunkbear.

I lived in Tallahasse for a couple years, and several more in Tampa/St. Pete. I went to law school with dozens and dozens of UF and FSU grads, and would watch college football with them on a regular basis. I can tell you that, while, no rivalry in college football is comparable to OSU/Michigan, from an FSU fan's perspective, there is no more hated opponent than Florida. Miami is a close second, but still not Florida. Now, Florida fans may hate UGA more than FSU, but FSU fans most definitely hate Florida more than any other program.
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