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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

NFBuck;1610254; said:
Guess all the talk of the coaching changes having no effect on LJ's decision was a load of bull. I know one thing, I felt a lot better going up against FSU for Joyner than I do UF.
Good news - getting FSU out of the picture means that Joyner won't be making an emotional decision for his childhood favorite.

Bad news - if Joyner is making a "business decision", is there any school out there that is a bigger threat than UF right now?

Also, I'd like to give props to osugrad21 for calling UF as the dark horse candidate in this race.
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LordJeffBuck;1610269; said:
Good news - getting FSU out of the picture means that Joyner won't be making an emotional decision for his childhood favorite.

Bad news - if Joyner is making a "business decision", is there any school out there that is a bigger threat than UF right now?

Also, I'd like to give props to osugrad21 for calling UF as the dark horse candidate in this race.
Yep. Precisely my concern. Not that tOSU wouldn't be a good decision too, but if UF wins a 3rd title in 4 years, that's hard to argue against.
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what a kick in the balls that will be if UF comes in late and steals both Shaw and Joyner from us.

If UF really sets their sites on a prospect, they are tough to beat . Program success, great weather, getting to NFL, a coach that moms like & trust....that is a great formula. I'm sure Urban is dying to leave that job for ND
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ShakerBuck;1610273; said:
...I'm sure Urban is dying to leave that job for ND

Too right and too funny! Without intending a slight to FLA here, they do seem like the flavor of the month(s). And why not, for the reasons mentioned above. A little usc-itis with the bench crowded by potential starters waiting, growing restless and transferring.
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I just can't believe Joyner to UF, especially after Shaw already signed on there. I mean, it's one thing to decide your childhood favorite is too unstable to be a good choice for you. It's an entirely different thing to then sign with the school most despised by your childhood favorite. It would be like a prospect from Michigan that grew up a Michigan fan deciding between Michigan, Ohio State, and Oklahoma, eliminating Michigan because of the schenanigans going on there right now, and then picking tOSU over Oklahoma. Seems weird. Then again: Justin Boren.
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NuclearBuck;1610288; said:
Too right and too funny! Without intending a slight to FLA here, they do seem like the flavor of the month(s). And why not, for the reasons mentioned above. A little usc-itis with the bench crowded by potential starters waiting, growing restless and transferring.
I don't see how they could be percieved as a "flavor of the month". They've been a player on the national scene for twenty years now. Aside from the brief Zook era, most years they've been in the national title discussion since Spurrier took over.

Look at the pros and cons here

Pro OSU:
Playing at DB-U, a school with a great tradition of putting DBs in the NFL
Tremendous tradition
Playing in front of 105,000 fans
A chance to break away from home (if that's what he desires)
Long standing relationship with the staff

Pro UF
Recent success is unparalleled
Play for the hottest coach in the game
Great weather
Close to home (if that's what he wants)

Great education
Chance to play on some special teams, make a run at national title(s)
Tremendous, rabid fanbase

Not a decision I'd want to have to make.

The good news is that our insiders remain as confident as ever.
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This is odd news, as just last night I was told by multiple FSU guys that it appears he's a done deal and they are more confident than ever.

Of course, after everything that has happened to their program lately, this might just be hopeful wishing going around the FSU camp in order to save some sort of ego that their program once had. Just seems like both sides are coming to very conflicting conclusions, so this will be an interesting ending to say the least.
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[quote='BusNative;161036;1]UF doesn't concern me here.[/quote]

It seems like we are in with a terrific chance of landing a difference maker, but when Florida and Urban Meyer are in the picture nothing is ever a done deal. Urban Meyer may well be the best salesman out there along with Pete Carroll when it comes to recruiting. I don't know what they tell these kids apart from the fact that they run successful programs, but they probably have more success than anyone when it comes to recruiting. I am guarded in my optimism of landing six-star.....I don't think that its a done deal just yet.
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NFBuck;1610303; said:
I don't see how they could be percieved as a "flavor of the month". They've been a player on the national scene for twenty years now. Aside from the brief Zook era, most years they've been in the national title discussion since Spurrier took over.

Look at the pros and cons here

Pro OSU:
Playing at DB-U, a school with a great tradition of putting DBs in the NFL
Tremendous tradition
Playing in front of 105,000 fans
A chance to break away from home (if that's what he desires)
Long standing relationship with the staff

Pro UF
Recent success is unparalleled
Play for the hottest coach in the game
Great weather
Close to home (if that's what he wants)

Great education
Chance to play on some special teams, make a run at national title(s)
Tremendous, rabid fanbase

Not a decision I'd want to have to make.

The good news is that our insiders remain as confident as ever.

2010 DB recruits verballing and team depth chart still might also be a strong factor for LJ's decision.
I like our chances with the DB depth chart for 2010 and the fact that as of now, the tOSU 2010 recruiting class at DB is minimal (Chad Hagan).
The 2010 Gator DB two deep could have some openings with NFL declarations, but as of now they are fewer than tOSU's openings.
Florida has 6 verbal commitments at 2010 DB positions: Shaw, Watkins, Elam, Dowling, Haden, and Dorsey. All are Scout 4 star or higher.
Scout Florida commits
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LordJeffBuck;1610269; said:
Good news - getting FSU out of the picture means that Joyner won't be making an emotional decision for his childhood favorite.

Bad news - if Joyner is making a "business decision", is there any school out there that is a bigger threat than UF right now?

Also, I'd like to give props to osugrad21 for calling UF as the dark horse candidate in this race.

It is hart to take the scarlet colored glasses off but I'd have to say for a defensive player the business decision b/t OSU and UF is a push...perhaps even in OSU's favor b/c of depth at DB. Joyner could see the field as a freshman. If he were an offensive player I'd agree with you.
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This is odd news, as just last night I was told by multiple FSU guys that it appears he's a done deal and they are more confident than ever.

Of course, after everything that has happened to their program lately, this might just be hopeful wishing going around the FSU camp in order to save some sort of ego that their program once had. Just seems like both sides are coming to very conflicting conclusions, so this will be an interesting ending to say the least.
FSU fans seem to be suffering from "Fred Davis Syndrome" aka contant self-reassurance that what the recruit says is not what he means.
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I hesitate to ask because of the whole "when news comes out it will be posted" rule, but...

I know Tressel is making an in-home visit with Henderson today, has he already visited with Joyner or is there an in-home visit scheduled for the future?
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